An excellent collection that could have been made perfect if it wasn't for a few problems with the emulation...

User Rating: 7.9 | Sega Genesis Collection PSP
Sega Genesis Collection is a great collection full of some of the truley best Sega Genesis games that have ever hit store shelves and while some of them will take away hundreds of hours of your life, others will only take minutes away. To start things off, here's a list of every game that you will have on this collection: Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle
Altered Beast
Bonanza Bros.
Comix Zone
Decap Attack starring Chuck D. Head
Ecco the Dolphin
Ecco II: The Tides of Time
Ecco Jr.
Kid Chameleon
Gain Ground
Golden Axe I
Golden Axe II
Golden Axe III
Phantasy Star II
Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom
Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millenium
Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi
Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Super Thunder Blade
Sword of Vermilion
Vectorman 2
Virtua Fighter 2
PLUS(Locked at first:
Eliminator, Super Zaxxon,
Astro Blaster, Tip Top,
Space Fury)

All of this sounds amazing to anyone who was a Sega Genesis fan back then or anyone trying to find out why people loved these games so much and unfortunatly for the people who buy this, you will experience a few sound problems, frame rate slow downs, and eye strain.

As far as sound problems go, this is by far the least important problem on this collection. Unless you are a total geek like me who actually remembers what every little sound effect is supposed to be, then you wont experience a single problem. Only a few times will there be a minor sound glitch that wasn't present in the original game, but 95% of the time the games are emulated perfectly, sound wise.

Frame rate slow downs are pretty rare but are present mainly in games that have alot going on, such as Vectorman and Sonic. They don't last long and believe me, ALOT has to be going on and its just minor but like I said, if you arent a total geek like me, you might not even notice.

Eye strain, this is by far the worst problem this game has and its mainly due to the psp screen itself. The screen is almost like a mini high-def TV and because of this the graphics are very sharp and clear but sometimes the character on screen is just too small. Mix tiny characters with sharp clear graphics and you have eye strain trying to keep up with everything. It doesn't help either that this is one of the worst cases of trails on a PSP game that I have ever seen. I dont know why Genesis games have trails at all but trust me, it cuts the quality down pretty bad.

If you are now telling yourself that you wont go near this game for your PSP than stop right now. These problems aren't that frequent but they do happen and they get annoying but for the most part you will be having tons of fun with this collection due to the vast majority of great games you will have on here.