Do not go by the score on this game. My theory is tha the reviewer was expecting just a different game.

User Rating: 8 | Second Sight XBOX
Gamespot is normally on the ball about the scores of games, I would normally avoid anything bellow a 8.0, but this game is an exception. Sure the game is short, but if you add exploration and all the extra fun things you can do it will take you more than 10 hours to finish this game easy. The story and the voice acting are great. The story line just made me want to play more and more to review more of it. I just liked that much. I just love the flash back parts where you get to play as your powerless counter part. On this one part of the game you get to go through a boot camp experience, they hand you a paintball gun and ask you to go through the course. Well you can look around and kind a real assault rifle in one of the rooms at that moment. You can, if you choose, go around the boot camp and pretty much kill everyone in sigh. Someone will eventually get you, but it is a pretty fun experience. Sorry, but Gamespot is pretty wrong about giving this game such a low grade.