Great concept, but falls just short of the mark.

User Rating: 6.5 | Second Sight GC
Second Sight has a brilliant story and a great idea behind the gameplay. You take on the role of John Vattic, who wakes up in a secure hospital/research facility with a battered, scarred body and a killer headache. He has no idea how he got there or what these people want with him. But he soon learns that he has extraordinary psychic powers such as telekinesis, self-healing, astral projection and the ability to possess baddies.

So begins your quest to find out the whos and whys. Obviously there's a huge government conspiracy behind everything but the game has a unique storytelling twist as you play one level in the present and the next in the past, at the beginning of the story. It's a unique way of developing interest and involving you more in the mystery.

It's very cool being able to sneak up on the baddies and tossing them around like ragdolls with your telekinesis. Chucking them through windows, off high ledges, slamming them into walls and ceilings is loads of fun. But I think this could have been taken further as it was a great opportunity for some cool, gory deaths and the simple blood splatters weren't really enough.

The levels vary between hospitals, Siberian outposts, apartments, more hospitals, offices, sewers, labs and even more hospitals. For the most part they are pretty generic and ludicrously over-sized to make the game longer. It can get a bit boring wandering around for ages, avoiding torrents of gunfire, anxiously awaiting a quiet moment to pull yourself together.

The music also walks a thin line of being atmospheric or generic. Sometimes it can get on your nerves and sometimes it can add to the tension of a scene. The voice acting is a cut above most games however and John Vattic's accent kinda grows on you. There's also a twist, which I won't spoil for you, that makes the game's complicated plot perfect for a theatrical film.

It's fun, but it's long and there are a few annoying bits. And if Second Sight was more developed and detailed it would be a classic. As it is, it's merely fast food.