Good Psychic game

User Rating: 8.8 | Second Sight GC
This game came out around the same time as the awesome Psi ops and even though it's my least favourite out of the two I still really enjoyed this game.. First off the graphics are excellent, stylistic almost cartoony graphics on an engine that could possibly be the same one that was used for Free Radical's other game series Timesplitters. There are some cool effects in this game such as the way the air warps when you use certain psychic powers or the way in snowy levels that snow lands on you're sniper scope. There are also a few graphical issues such as multiple clipping errors where bodies stick into walls, luckily none of these errors affect the gameplay so it's not too annoying. Next, the gameplay was a good blend of action, stealth and inventive psychic powers, the gameplay worked very well and helped the enjoyment of this game, the lock on feature was well implemented too and really helped when you needed those critical headshots. The puzzles in the game were well done and featured heavy use of psychic power based puzzles. The game really capitalised on the psychic powers for puzzles and fighting. After all, there is nothing more satisfying hitting a guy with psychic blast and watching him cartwheel through the air. The sound was reasonably good but easily forgettable, on occasions there was some good music to go along with firefights. The voice acting was decent, if a little unusual and helped to create a believeability about the characters and the situation they were in. So all in all a fun game with some flaws but overall very well implemented gameplay. Unfortunately I don't think there will be a sequel.