kinda kick booty game but not so kick booty it makes u want to kick booty

User Rating: 8 | Second Sight PC
I got this game for 12.99 and its definatley worth it for that much. For 30 dollars not so much just due to how short the game is. Under 8 hours. The game is about a guy named john vatic who wakes up in a hospital all cut up and bandaged and finds out that he posseses psychic powers. Through the game you get more powers. The game also goes back in time 6 months to when john was with the army investigating a base in syberia. Mostly these levels have you using sniper rifles pistols machine guns instead of your powers but later in the game you are able to use them then. The graphics I thought on this game were really quite good especially in cutscenes the way the characters move and act. The main character is a major dork in this game though reminding me of Gordon freeman from half life. The voice acting is pretty decent except for maybe the children later in the game. I did find myself interested in the story of this game and thought the idea was cool. The music is good and not to noticeable through most parts of the game but at certain areas or when an alarm is sounded it picks up. Overall I would recommend this game for the price its at now.