User Rating: 6 | Second Sight XBOX
I found this game to be boring. There I said it. When I first started playing, I was bothered by the fact the game isn't great too look at. The visual style is pure Timesplitters for sure, but it just didn't do it for me this time around. The enviroments are bland and repetitive at times, as well. The voice acting and music is pretty good though. And it has a good storyline up until the point where I end up in some gangland area for some reason. I know the person I was trying to find is from there, but come on. It just seemed WAY out of place. Not only that, there were only like four skins for the game members so that took me out of the expierience. Then I had to have this annoying ex-team member follow me around everywhere for like ten missions in a row and that was extremely boring and annoying.

I was enjoying this game up until the parts I mentioned and then it just bored me to death. When I have ten other games sitting on my shelf that I haven't played yet, I can't waste time with a snore fest. Not only that, after playing 'PSI-Ops' this game just seems like a cheaper little brother of that game. Don't get me wrong, I know there are a lot of people out there who would probably like this game and feel it's worth the £15-20 you can get it for now, but I am just not one of them.