a ripping action game that will grip you by the stomach.

User Rating: 8.8 | Second Sight GC
this is a hard game to explain. everything about it is just dark and grim but it works, itworks incredabily well for this game in perticular. the flashback levels are pretty much just a level from timesplitters but i think the story in second sight shows what the makers from free radical can do if they try at another game style. this telekenitc powers are incredabily accurate and really really fun to use on unsuspecting eneimes at every turn. the mental hospital level is actully pretty scary and adds to the intense heart pounding gameplay. shooting and hiding is also a big part of this game and they are carried out superbly. the level desings are full of deatil and the colours are ranged from a light blue futurisitc lobby, to the white cold snow of a mountain pass cabin. the levels are long and fun to play. the story is just like an epsiode of a crime drama with some flashbacks to add measure and a great backstory. the levels can be a little hard to manouver sumtimes cause of the large amount of passage ways and secrets but it still is a great game with lots of weapons, cool physic powers and intense action.

this is a top game for any fan of action or even the supernatural.