Like watching a good action movie!

User Rating: 8.6 | Second Sight PC
When i first saw the game, i didnt really know what to expect, and i didnt have high hopes from the game, so i was pleasently surprised when i completed the game.

I think the only difference that sets it apart from most shooters, is the strong stoyryline, very well written and executed. Its most defenatly the strongest side to the game. Although some of the levels might seems like old-news, the story and the music and the enviroment really create the right feeling for all the areas. And whats most important, the pace of the game is very good, just when you think ok enough of sewers you get thrown to the otherside of the planet to icy landscape of siberia.

Although the rest of the game plays like your ordinary everyday shooter, the psi abilities sure makes it more fun. Telekinesis for instance is one of the coolest things in the game.

Well the game can never be compared to such titles as Deus Ex, it sure feels and plays better than the DE:Invisible War. The game has potential, should they ever make followup, add some rpg elements and you have an instant classic.