Second Sight is a different kind of action game from the makers of the Timesplitters series.

User Rating: 7.5 | Second Sight GC
Second Sight is created by Free Radical, which has also created the fabulous TimeSplitters games. I was excited to see how Free Radical would handle something else than those timetraveling guys.

The graphics are much the same as the ones we saw in Timesplitters 2. There aren't many details, but there are smooth animations and especially the cut-scenes features some fine character animations. There are too many bugs here to give the graphics a higher score.

The sounds are very moody and realistic. The voice overs are very good and there are a huge amount of different conversations to find within the game.

Second Sight doesn't only feature psychic powers, but there are also time traveling to find here. The story is simply amazing featuring some very good twists. The overall gameplay could have been extraordinary, but there are some flaws in the camera angles and some in the controls so the overall experience doesn't become as good as it could have been. The game isn't very long and it took me only 8 1/2 hours to finish it and that was on the challenging difficulty level (hard). The game features 17 levels in all and some of them took me around 1 hour to finish! There are some pretty good ridles to solve and there are some very cool levels to find here. The game contains much more shooting that you would expect. This is actually a shooting game with psychic powers, cause John Vattic shoots more than lifting people up in the air. The game has a pretty high replay value cause there are many cool things to do here. You can send guards flying or posess them to shoot each other. There is one thing in the game I very much like, and that's the way John uses computers. You actually log in on the computer and controlls the mouse and so on, this is very, very good. Free Radical has done a very good job creating this game, but they should have used more time fixing those flaws.

The graphics are smooth and cool. The sounds are moody and good. The story is amazing. The psychic powers are cool. The game is pretty deep.

It's pretty short and nothing gets unlocked after completing it. There are too many flaws and bugs in the game.