overall, a captivating experience

User Rating: 8.3 | Second Sight XBOX
This game is about John Vattic, a soldier who was used to do experiments on, experiments with the mind.

The game starts off with you waking up in a bed in a hospital and figuring out your new powers, which at this point, is only Telekinesis. You have your choice of 2 camera styles, you can either choose from the standard third person view, or have a kind of Resident Evil style camera where when you turn corners the view changes into a new spot usually above your head and attached to a wall. As you progress the games many missions you will gain more powers, such as; Telekinesis + (but before you can pick up people you can only move inanimate objects then later in the game it becomes Telekinesis +) which allows you to pick up humans and move them around, this is especially useful when you are on a high platform and you can just drop people to their death. Healing which well… heals you and also allows for you to target other people to heal them. Psi Attack which is a ball of energy that you can launch at people to kill them instantly (this power also improves to Psi attack + which allows you to emit a pulse of energy all around you, however it does not kill everyone, it could give you a chance to escape). Projection which allows you send a invisible image of yourself anywhere and possess people you encounter and kill other people on their side. Charm which if you target someone you can calm them down, but if no one is targeted it makes you invisible for a short while.

The way the story is told in this game is mostly through flashbacks, about half the missions are flashback missions, the early missions you do not have your mind powers though this generally isn’t a problem because there are health kits represented by a green thing on a wall with a cross on it spread throughout these levels.

Now about the targeting system, generally I am not to fond of games that use the lock on system but you can almost get through the entire game without using the guns because of your mind powers that regenerate fairly quickly, now I repeat I said almost, there are parts where you will need to use a gun, and the game supports your general gun list, a pistol, a sniper rifle, and an assault rifle, but your mind powers is what you will be using most of the time.

The game is fairly short, even after getting stuck on a few missions it only took me around 8 hrs to complete, but there is a harder difficulty setting to replay the game through on.