Entertaining but flawed ...

User Rating: 7.5 | Second Sight GC
Second Sight is an entertaining game. The ideas and concepts of the game are great and the look of it is wonderful and creative. But the game has some slight control issues, camera problems, and is not long enough.

The concept of SS is that you are wake up with no memory but have special poweres. You keep having flashbacks that somehow change the past and future. The story is quite deep and compelling and features an interesting twist at the end.

The graphics are very well done. They look cartoony, which doesn't really fit the mood of the game, but is still done well. The character animation is great and the facial expressions are wonderful.

Now for the problems. The camera doesn't seem to like to stay with your character. It will go way the hell away from you in big rooms and it is easy to loose track of where you are going. The other camera modes don't work well either. The controls are good but very awkward and seem sort of sluggish. This hinders an otherwise good game.

Overall, Second Sight is fun but I recomment renting it first.