Not bad, but not good either.

User Rating: 6.5 | Scurge: Hive DS
Can you say Metroid clone? Cause thats exactly what's in store for you when you pick up Scurge: Hive. That being said, its not really a bad game. The upgrades are cool and the game is full of exploration. It has an attractive price too, being only $9.99 at Game Stop. What makes me give it a 6.5 is this: it is way too much of a copy off. I mean, the main character is a bounty hunter that uses a gun attached to her arm to fend of the enemy, which is an alien that sucks away your life force. I mean, I've never seen a game so blatantly copy of a popular franchise like Metroid. The one thing that seperates it from Metroid is the way they keep a gauge at the top that keeps track of the virus you get when you arrive. When it is completely completely full you start to lose health. The only way to keep this virus in check is to find save stations and use them before your health completely runs out. This adds a little more difficulty to the adventure. While it lack originality and has nothing much more for you to do once you beat the game, it is entertaining adventure for any DS owner trying to build up their collection.