Get this game. Its worth the money.

User Rating: 8 | Scribblenauts DS
Scribblenauts is a decent game that makes you think.

The Gameplay: I thought the gameplay was very exciting and fun. You simply can write anything you want. Doing that, you have to use your mind and your stylus to solve puzzles. I'd give the gameplay a 8.5/10

Graphics: Scribblenauts doesn't have bad graphics, but its not to good either

Audio: Audio is pretty cool once you hear the dragon and the T-Rex, but some of the music gets annoying. 6.5/10

Controls: The controls SUCKED and they screwed it up. Did anyone notice there was a D-Pad? 4.5/10

Addictiveness: I got addicted to this game fast, but once you beat every single level,(like I did) it gets boring. Eventualy you'll play it again. 8.0/10

The Verdict: Scribblenauts is a half-decent game that could have been better.
The Gameplay and the Addictiveness was excellent. The controls were just HORRIBLE. Maybe if they changed the Controls I would like this game better.

I'm giving Scibblenauts a; 8/10