Whether your a fan of the scott pilgrim series or not, this game is a must buy!

User Rating: 9 | Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game PS3

So let me be the one to say, i dont know much about the scott pilgrim series. I kinda heard it had a movie and i kinda heard it was a popular comic franchise. The real reason i ended up buying this game was because i heard it was very old school and it had an online cooperative mode. So despite the little i know, i gave in and bought it. The amount of awesomeness contained in this game suprised me to no end, and its probably one of the best PSN games

Loosely based off the comic and movie, Scott pilgrim has fallen madly in love with Romona flowers, however, in order to be with her, he must defeat her 7 evil exes. The game is a 4 player cooperative beat em up in the style of classics such as Final Fight and streets of rage, With a few RPG elements to make it stand on its own. You can visit local shops to buy food or object to not only heal you, but it also increases your characters stats, So you can get stronger or move faster. As you battle, your character will also level up, gaining you access to new moves and abilities. The game also supports 4 player online coop which was patched in recently last year.

Theres just so much done right about this game. The 16-bit graphics are done perfectly, and the game nods constantly to videogames such as guitar hero and mario. The music is a geniusly amazing blend of guitar and chiptune music, and there is plenty of hidden things within the game. Secret characters, Hidden modes, Cheat codes, and Secret areas. Replay value is fairly high, even for the short length the game has (which is to be expected, as arcade game were always like this.)

As great as this game is, it kills me to say it has its faults. When playing alone without much stats, the game is terribly difficult and punishing. Enemies will swarm you in an instant, and even if you manage to defeat them, the boss fights will surely knock down your lives. And as cool as the online coop is, it does suffer from some netcode issues, aswell as some serious glitches. As a side note, the game does suffer from some framerate issues, although this might have been intended.

Overall, Scott pilgrim vs the world is a highly enjoyable beat em up that will offer countless hours of fun for the coop alone. And it offers much more aswell. So if your looking for a fun game to rock your house with, then a trip down nostalgia land with scott pilgrim will satisfy your needs.