Better visuals and melee system than the original. But the Commander mode is boring and tedious.

User Rating: 6 | Savage 2: A Tortured Soul PC
With stunning graphics and sound, Savage starts out as an amazing game. A practice mode to allow you to try out all the games soldier types and figure out witch one is best suited for you. A new race called "Hellbourne" which are acquired through trading the amount of kills to a hell shrine. Becoming these gives you a powerful edge, but slowly losing health.
Without a single player though, its always required to have devoted time to the current game (no pausing or saving). They've also dumbed down the Commander mode to simply making spawn points and turrets, creating an all together boring experience for the commander.
But on the bright side, the melee system is greatly improved and it is gawking just to witness the world around you. So if interested on playing, plan on having at least an eight person group, which is easy to find of the multiplayer servers, strive to be a grunt (melee mode), and learn the types of soldiers to become the best.