10 ..... yes 10 player bomberman on the Saturn ever in the age of virtual console games and XBLA that's hard to beat

User Rating: 9.5 | Saturn Bomberman SAT

Bomberman is a classic game , a very simple isometric puzzle game , that unlike most other games of this age is all built around multiplayer.

And this is a game that perfectly suits the saturns limited 3d powers by being sprite based.

graphically this looks as good as it needs to look and even an HDTV shine on XBLA can't improve on simple clear visuals.

but the biggest draw of this game is the 10 player mode ... my god !!! ok , lets face it who has a saturn and two multilinks and 10 controllers but that doesn't really matter now does it .. the feature is there and somewhere back in the day there were some college kids who after a night on the juice came back and had what must have been the ultimate party game experience .. and it's taken the invention of eyetoys , Buzz and Wii to come close to taking that crown.

for my money simple games like this are great for parties .. no complicated controlls or rules ( except explaining power ups ). just plain fun

and for that it gets a very ... VERY high score