Sakura Wars has aged very gracefully.This dreamcast port should only be bought if you never played the original though.

User Rating: 9.5 | Sakura Taisen DC
Sakura Wars was an RPG series released on the Sega Saturn in 1996.It was revolutionary in which it was the first RPG/Date Hybrid ever(there were games that attempted to create RPG/Date hybrids but not to the point that Sakura Wars did).It was an instant mega hit,selling millions in the first few months.The series became so popular that it spwaned 4 sequels,numerous spinoffs and side games,numerous anime adaptions,a manga adaptions,and even an animated movie.

This port of Sakura Wars shows that the wonderful RPG has aged very gracefully.There some improvements that includes graphics,extra unlockable features,improved sound, and extra few story branch.If you have a Dreamcast and would like to try the series should get this port.However thos who bought the game on the Saturn already have no point in getting this port unless their Saturn broke and they bought a Dreamcast or they don't want the hassle of siwtching consoles.

Everything in Sakura Wars has aged gracefully.The anime like graphics were just as gorgeous as they were in 1996.The musical score and wonderful voiceacting was just a specatacular today as they were on the Sega Saturn.THe story is still compelling and entertaining to play through.And the combat system and LIPS dating system remains as engaging as they did on the Saturn.

The biggest flaw about this port is that it hardly improves Sakura Wars.The graphics and sound are only improved to a minimal level(mainly higher color and better resolution graphically and slightly more Dolby Digitalized sound).They do not take advantage of the Dreamcast's power to significantly make the graphics much more beautiful to the level of Sakura Wars 3.The extra story branches though a nce distaction does nothing to deepen the story or inspire you with awe and the extra unlockables are MEH at best.

1)Slightly improved graphics
2)Slightly improved Sound
3)Extra Stroy Branches
4)New Unlockables
5)Sega Saturn Perfect port.

1)Does not take advantage of the Dreamcast capabilities to significantly imporves the gmae
2)MEH unew unlockables
3)Extra story branches do not enterain you in any way and does not add to the Mythology if Sakura Wars
4)Graphics not as imrpoved as it should of been
5)Same goes for sound
6)The same geem as the Sega Saturn original.

So why do I give the Dreamcast port a 9.5 out of 10?Simply because Sakura Wars is such a masterpiece that despite being 5 years old when this Dreamcast port was developed,was still simply an unforgettable perfect masterpiece in every possible from its lovely anime graphics to its compellingly unforgettable romantic plot.In other words,Sakura Wars has aged very gracefully and is simply so fun even this port to the Dreamcast that (disappointingly) hardly adds anything is simply an excellent masterpiece.

I give Sakura Wars on the Dreamcast an outstanding 9.5 out of 10.