I loved this game its just plain fun

User Rating: 8 | Saints Row X360
I personally loved this game from the start sure the graphics aren't the greatest but dont get me wrong they still good they could just use some work.
I have to say the gameplay is very fun with lots of activity's to keep you busy while your not doing missions activitys include Racing insurence fraud were you deliberately throw your self in front of traffic. SOUNDS FUN dont it well thats just the start wait for it ... You even get To create your own character and customise your cars how cool is that ay.

Now that combined with a great story line makes a really fun game I hope this review was help full and if you get this game enjoy cause i did i even brought the sequel

My ratings are as follows Graphics 7.5

gameplay 8.0

replayability 7.5

Physics 7.0

obviously my overall is 8.0 as stated above