If it had less glitches, Saints Row: The Third would be a perfect 10/10.

User Rating: 9.5 | Saints Row: The Third PS3
If you haven't played Saints Row 2, I recommend picking it up before you get your hands on Saints Row: The Third. If you already have a copy and are reading this anyways, then you should already know that from the moment after installing the game, Saints Row: The Third proves that it doesn't take itself seriously with an introduction that pokes fun at Star Wars.
If it weren't for the glitches and Volition's sudden want to get rid of characters, this game would be flawless.

Presentation: With a story that doesn't take itself seriously and that kills a popular character -- a depending on a decision you make, another -- it's a great story that keeps you playing and laughing your butt off.

Gameplay: Controls slicker than Saints Row 2, this game plays smoothly. As I played, there were framerate drops when there were helicopters and gang members surrounding me and vehicles exploding. This game still stays awesome through all the glitches. In fact, the glitches make this game even more hilarious.

Graphics: It's not the greatest looking game but with all its content, Saints Row: The Third looks great. It's the bloodies, goriest Saints Row yet.

Sound: The voice acting is great but with a minimal amount of Gat, it's sorely depressing. I can't help but shake the feeling that the Saints 2 music soundtrack had better rock music.

Lasting Appeal: This game could last you forever as long as you have friends willing to slap cops with large, purple phallic bats with you. There's a lot of content to obtain, more DLC on its way, and some missions include choices you should choose the opposite of your last game just to see what happens.