Saints Row may not be GTA but it still delivers fast paced action and zany activities.

User Rating: 9 | Saints Row 2 (Collector's Edition) X360
Saints Row 2 is the followup to the to the acclaimed title of the same name; it continues the tradition of game-play that was introduced in the first game, the Respect meter returns so in order to do a mission or stronghold you must achieve a level of respect. When the game first starts you are introduced to a sophisticated character creation screen where you make your character; after this you fight your way through a tutorial and out of the prison, after springing your buddies you go on a rampage to take back over Stillwater.

Now one of the best parts of Saints Row have always been all of the diversion that you can participate in outside of the main game; one of the newcomers is a game that involves defending a celebrity from rabid fans that either want to irritate them or attack them, you deal with this by throwing them into the scenery and beating them with objects. There are dozens of other activities that you can participate in that are spread throughout the city for you to enjoy; there is also a bonus mission that takes place at the Stillwater Police Department that ties into the end of the previous game.

There is also the extremely satisfying game called Dead Uprising which uses the game engine to pit you against wave after wave of zombie with limited weapons; you and a team of other survivors are forced to fight them off with extremely satisfying results, the game can be played in coop in order for twice the fun.

All in all I recommend that anyone who enjoyed the original Saints Row or any of the Grand Theft Auto games should at least give Saints Row 2 a try