The game would be great if the AI would be better

User Rating: 8 | R.U.S.E. PC
So this is my first review and im gonna keep it short.

Good Things:

- nice graphics - i especially like the chips which show the strenght of the troops

- nice sound

- great tactical options (such as calling in paratroopers to invade an enemy base)

- addictive game - atleast for me

Bad Things:

- artillerie often doesn't auto-attack so u have to micromanage - this is especially anoying when ur enemy also uses artillerie (most of the time only your own artillerie has the required range to shoot back - and they wont attack back)

- anti-tank units only do damage to tanks - they should at least do some damage to infantrie, cuz i've seen an AI pounding a whole army of anti-tank units (which are basicly also tanks) with one troup infantrie

- I havent tested multiplayer yet (it's probably great), but there is no lan-modus

- the biggest drawback still is the AI - their tactic is to send their troops to the place where you have your troops at and crush u with pure fire power; so its easy to focus your troops on one point (e.g. at a bridge) and you u will be able to hold them back forever even when ur enemy has 10times the troops u have

The game also has a campaign mode, which i haven't really tested yet.

Conclusion: Except for the AI and some minor drawbacks it's a really great game. If you are a big rts-fan it's a must have; if you're not, i would only buy it if your going to play it in multiplayer.