You need to play it a bit to learn and master the style which is innovative! After that you will have lots of fun!

User Rating: 9 | R.U.S.E. PC
(The game is much better then the Demos, play the campaing!)

This game is a revolutionary take on RTS games, Recon is essencial here and the different types of units aren't your old rock-paper-scisors. You will need to combine units to be effective, use them for different roles and scout on your enemy while desguising your intentions.
If your tanks are being bombed by aircrafts you can defend yourself using fighters, AA guns, Or you can simply try to find and take down the enemy's spoter recon unit, you can even try to rush to their airport to take it down. Of course it is safer to mix some decoy units so the planes waste their ammo.
There are so many possibilities!

This game also allows for many different strategies and styles of playing. It is one of the few games where you can try defensive strategies: instead of rushing to control supply depots you can try to create a defended base and construct administrative buildings which generate cash indefinetly. Of course you need to keep raiding enemy supply depots to keep him ocupied and consume his cash. You will also make use of distractions, plane raids and long-range artillery.
After you have enough cash you can use technologically superior units to kill of the enemy. It is a very rewarding and fun strategy which very few games support.

The campain was fun and helped me learn some subtleties of the game. For example, anti-tank units are not to be used against tanks alone, as they are fragile. They are better used as a long range support, preferebly hidden in the woods. The voice acting and the characters where not particularly good, but hey, it was fun!!

The RUSE system is fun to use (where you can launch decoy units or structures, camuflage your buildings, speed up units and many other special abilities) but it is not something which you feel is indespensable for the game. You can do well using it only a few times in a game in an unplanned fashion (just to speed up your construction trucks for example).
But is very funny to disguise some heavy tanks as infantry and see the enemy sending a couple of machine guns to deal with it!

(i have not played multiplayer yet)

It is a very interesting and inovative game, i reccomend to everyone that likes RTS games, should buy it no doubt. (at least rent it).