This game tests your strategic skills

User Rating: 8.5 | R.U.S.E. PC
R.U.S.E. is great game in my opinion, it's a game that sucks you in and you can play it for long time although it is different than any Real time Strategy .in the game you can feel yourself that you are a general that order his army to do things. The different abilities is nice in the game example the ability to silence radio this ability will hide your units or other ability is camouflage to hide buildings. In the game the units are organized as heavy tanks, light tanks and recon, infantry airborne, anti-tanks units, different types of planes fighter and fighters and recon.
This game tests your strategic skills and it needs patient and time i think it's best played on PC not ps3 or other consoles because of the controllers. The game have some technical issues or glitches but they can be managed.