World of Warcraft for the cheap skates.

User Rating: 7.5 | Runes of Magic PC
If your too cheap to pay for a game like World of Warcraft $15 a month, then this game is for you.

The graphics are not bad. The game actually competes with other F2P titles like Perfect World. What really makes the game good is the game play. It's almost identical to world of warcraft but a little cheap. The sound is one of worse I've ever encountered and most of the sounds don't work. There's no sword slashing, magic blasting sounds going on. Sometimes the sound cuts off and it gets quite for a while.

There's really not much to tell about this game except you do quests, level up, purchase houses and craft. Instances are not bad, you need groups of course so don't bother soloing anything. Like I said, if your too cheap to pay for games like World of Warcraft $15 a month, then this game is for you. I would honestly say the graphics kinda compete to warhammer online which is kinda sad.

Pros - It's a cheap version of World of Warcraft except you use real money to buy the good stuff like every other F2P games. The game is easy to learn and grouping is not that hard to find.

Cons - The game lacks sound and the gameplay is a bit cheap but it is not bad for a World of Warcraft rip off.