User Rating: 4.9 | Rumble Roses XX X360
Before I start nameing all the bad things about RUMBLE ROSES XX( and trust me, there's plenty.) I'll say something nice. the graphics are awsome, there's plenty to unlock, and there's online play. There, that's it, that's all this games got going for it. KONAMI just halfed the job and settled with what they had, the graphics. Ok, gameplay. It's just your simple wrestling game, there's no room for button smashing, just kick, punch, it's all in the mind. (sorry, I was trying to make this game and review better. old school gamers will know what that means.) Anyway, you can finish a single match in about 2-4 minutes, yeah it's that easy. manly because you can "embarass" your opponent, this causes you to do a special move, a move by the way, noone can escape from! this makes beating the computer way too easy. and you'll be doing that, alot! there's no story just fight the next random person and win. there's also a "STREET FIGHT" mode, but it fells so out of place you'll wonder why you even bothered playing the game. i could tell you more about the game like the online features but I can't. Simply because no matter how many times I went online with it NOBODY was there. I guess they was too ashamed about buying this game, or they were playing doa 4. if you played the 1st one (on the ps2) than you'll notice mud wrestling is missing, that's because it has been replaced with "QUEEN MATCH" MODE. QM mode is an stupid distraction from regular matches. you're basicly doing the same thing in regular matches, but wait! if you win your opponent has to...limbo? or get tickled...i'm sorry but this is dumb. i know this sounds great guys but trust me, it's not. you can earn cash in matches, but that's pointless also, mainly since you have to buy the sound test in the option menu! why? i don't know, but this game's a waste of time and money. there's not much here, wich may explain why it bombed on the ps2.