Though it's aimed at children, Search For Reptar does fairly well.

User Rating: 5.4 | Rugrats: Search for Reptar PS
The Search For Reptar is a games based in the Rugrats universe.

While playing with his friends one day, Tommy decides that the wants to do his Reptar puzzle. When he empties the container, only 1 piece fall out. This leads him on an adventure to find the other peices.

You are free to walk around the house. You will even tually come across things that allow you to start a minigame of some sort. There is a good variety here, ranging from golfing, to Hide and seek, and even some more adventerous games. Completing each of these will reward you with a new piece of the puzzle.

Graphically and id sound quality, this game falls short. There isn't much to look at, and nothing is very pretty. The sound isn't that great either, but there are some voices which a fairly good.

As a child's game, Rugrats is surprisingly good. Younger audiences will likely have a good time with this one.