Needs some work.

User Rating: 8 | Rugby 08 PS2
The one thing I can say about this game is that it is very challenging and will keep you busy for a long time.The only problem I have with this game is that when you are tackled and a ruck is formed,you have limited control who gets the ball and that somtimes get very annoying.The controls are sometimes unresponsive,but that is not a big issue.The graphics is not something to brag about and the gameplay is not as good as it could have been.But inspite of all the flaws I mentioned,the game is still legendary and should not be missed by rugby fans.Even if you are not a fan try renting it and consider buying it.The game definitely needs some work to perfect it,but is still enjoyable to fill the spot untill a new rugby game hits our stores.So go out and run to your nearest game store and buy it.