I'll stick with RPG Maker 2003... A review for 2000, 2K3, and XP...

User Rating: 5.5 | RPG Tsukuru XP PC
RPG Maker is a long running series going back to the SNES, maybe before… RPG Maker XP does what the other RPG Makers on the PC do – with a little bonus add – the scripting feature. It goes back to the old RPG Maker 2000 battle system or you can create your own. But if you have no scripting knowledge – then you should steer clear of this game. RPG Maker 2003 is a little better suited for people without scripting knowledge – and allows game makers with the ability to make their own sprites and music – which all the computer RPG Makers do – but it is a little more in the style of Final Fantasy then Shin Megami Tensei. But all in all – the RPG Makers remain the same pretty much throughout the years and are way better on the computer then on the platforms – you can do a whole lot more…