RPG Maker XP is great, its graphics are much better than than RPG maker 1999, RPG Maker 2000, and RPG maker 2003. XP

User Rating: 8.9 | RPG Tsukuru XP PC
RPG Maker XP is great, its graphics are much better than than RPG maker 1999, RPG Maker 2000, and RPG maker 2003. XP uses the same system as the older RPG makers. It also has a fix on the enter hero name. (This did not work on the older RPG makers). XP is way smoother and essayer to use. They added a extra layer so it is essayer to create your world. XP comes with a lot of detailed chip sets that are better than the older chip sets.It also comes with all of its older options so it is not hard to change from 2003 to XP.