Ever get mad that games aren't good anymore? This is your best chance to prove that you can do better.

User Rating: 9 | RPG Tsukuru XP PC
This is not really a game, but it is a tool that will easily allow you to make your own game. RPG Maker XP does a great job of letting you make you game how you want it to be. To be quite honest, I would love to congratulate everyone who can just jump right on in and program yourself a great game. This will take hours and hours of trial and error. My suggestion is to spend at least 10 or so hours just putsing around on it and then when you think you have the hang of it, start making your game. While there are the options to have random encounters, they are not necessary. So, I gave the gameplay an 8. It's really not all that easy to rate this game in anything at all seeing how you're basically making the game. I gave it the 8 while because you are making the game and the gameplay is basically directly based on how good you are at making the game, it is very difficult sometimes to get the program to do what you want it to do. After you master the program, and if you have a really cool game idea, you can basically create a game that can rival most RPG's of this type out there. The Graphics is kinda rough to decide too. They look acceptable and what comes with the game is not all that special, but why I gave it an 8 is basically your ability to basically create your own graphics. It's not too hard but it is very time consuming. If you have a lot of time on your hands, you might even be able to make a good lookign game using pictures of real people. Sound is basically going to be the same, but I'm going to give it a 10 as compared to the graphics because not only can you import your own music, but there are websites with thousands of midi files and mp3 files that would work and make your game so much better. This program is basically something that will steal your life if you let it. If you like RPG's, why not make your own for a change?