Better than RPG Maker 2003

User Rating: 9 | RPG Tsukuru XP PC
RPGMXP is the best in the series. It's simpler than RPGM3 and more fun than RPGM2003. But the trailer isn't really true because the game isn't as simple as the trailer says. You still don't need programing knowledge.That part is true. I'm making a pretty good game and I have 0% progaming knowledge. The game changes the abreviation MP to SP. Same thing though. It's like Skill power of Special Power. This game has an unlimted amount of things you can do. You can make a game about a guy who keeps dreaming about a demon who kills him for his inner darkness. (I just wrote the story of my game. So don't steal my idea.) And the monters have great looks. You can choose from a cursed doll all the way to a giant Demon. Look, if I said everything in this game you'd be bored out of your mind. So buy this game if you like RPGs. And if you dream of making games.
