Like RPG Maker XP, it gives you the chance to make your own game... sort of.

User Rating: 9 | RPG Tsukuru 5 PS2
It's incredibly difficult, trust me. First, I'll make a pro-con list for you to shape the review: Pro: 1. RPG Maker II gives you the chance to make a game with a storyline, unlike RPG Maker XP. 2. The game supplies extremely detailed help when needed. 3. RPG Maker II is a 3D game with decent camera angles. Con: 1. Poor Graphics. You can hardly see your character's face. 2. Difficult designing maps. 3. During battle, you cannot see your party- only the enemies. 4. Your character is so slow! Catching up to someone to talk to is difficult. 5. Your character is always in walking motion. Even while you stand still, his/her feet look like they're still walking. Of course, making window skins and changing terms during the game is very exciting, but creating a single item can be difficult. Also, making the levels is interesting, but so challenging that it gets annoying after about 20 minutes. The music is sort of messed up as well. You can change the BGM anytime you want, but when you do, it glitches up before changing. The box says you don't need skill, but think about it- experts made RPG Maker II, so just how much knowledge is considered skill? Don't get me wrong, I love the game, I just can't play it for long periods of time because of the difficulty. Sorry, but I don't like to click on the help menu every time I don't know how to do something. One thing that I realized after I got the game told me that any RPG Maker for the PC would be better that a console game, because on the PC you can get resources and mock other games you don't like- you can't do that on a console game. If you're going to get RPG Maker II, read the instruction booklet over and over again- that, or you'll lose interest in 5 minutes. By the way, I got this game yesterday, so don't pay attention to the "Time Playing To Date".