If you've ever wanted to create an RPG for consoles, than you're not going to find anything better than this.

User Rating: 8.8 | RPG Tsukuru PS2
I have been interested in making games for several years now. I've been able to play around with the process on the PC, however, so far there hasn't been much of anything that allows you to create your own game on consoles. However, with RPG Maker 3, we have finally been given a tool that allows us to do so.

When you have a tool/game like this, certain things are difficult ot determine. One of those things is gameplay. This is because RPG Maker 3 gives you some (though not a lot) of influence on the way the game plays. Of course, there are certain flaws in the gameplay that the user can do nothing about. One of those is control. I often found the in-game controls to be stiff. Another thing that should be noted here is a loss of a lot of control. In the previous RPG Makers, you could do just about anything. In this one, however, you are somewhat limited in what you can do. I imagine that this has something to do with the much better graphics, and if it does, I must say that it's worth it, because the graphics are quite good in this.

Now we move on to perhaps my biggest problem with this game: the sound. I personally like the soundtracks of the previous RPG Maker much better than these. However, the music is well composed, and the sound effects are very good, so I still hae to give the sound a high rating.

Ultimately, if you've ever wanted to create your own RPG, then this tool/game is something you will want to buy. For those of you who don't have a lot of free time, or who don't really have any desire to create a game, than this is honestly a waste of your time.

My final score for this tool/game is 8.7 out of 10