Generic MMORPG

User Rating: 1 | Royal Quest PC

This game has done nothing special and certainly not created anything new for the MMORPG world. It has limited classes, a low level cap, and although attributes can be put in any manor you are very limited by the gameplay because no matter what you need to build lots of health, and damage seems to have no real effect not to mention there are only four attributes and one of them merely increases crit chance so it is pretty worthless. There is no real deffence system, you get more HP but armor is only thing that gives you deffence making it rather worthless entirely. There are only 4 classes and 2 sub classes for each class and all of them are generic, rogue, archer, warrior, mage. The game world is very cramped and you can travel from the start to the capital in about 2 minutes of running, there is little to do as there are only about 2 quest per level and very few repeatable quest at that. I would not recommend this game to anyone.