Really fun and exciting, but lacks realism when it comes to certain things that were in RCT 1 and 2.

User Rating: 9 | RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 PC
Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 is the one PC game that I can say I've really enjoyed (and wish I still had the disk so that I can download it again). RCT3 is the best tycoon game out there. Very few bugs, way too much fun, roller coasters for the most part look real, the game can be very beautiful if your computer can handle it and you put in the time in effort to decorate, and the missions are fun.
Riding the roller coasters and rides in first person view is amazing, best feature that they offer in the game. Sand box mode is truely unlimited to what you can do. If your computer can handle it, then you can do it.
And then there is this other mode (forget what it is called though... I'll see if I cant remember) where you can litterally create your park from scratch. Dont want a main gate, that can be done! Want to change the default entrance (gate)? Consider it done. Want to change the sizde and shape of the entire park? and maybe even surround your park with trees and maintains (basicly all the land that is outside of the park) that you can build on? You can do that! Really, you can do just about anything, infact you can even make your own mission parks.
The best part about this game, is that you design your roller coasters however you want them; way too fast, slow, just right, extreme, sickening, boring, kinda deadly, crazy, etc. The best part about that is that there will always be Peeps (park guest) who will ride your ride (usually).
Well those are the good parts of the game (though there is honestly alot more good than what I mentioned)
Time for the bad.
One thing that I loved most about Roller Coaster Tycoon (the first game), is that it was realistic. Things aged. What I mean is that bridges would break, rides would break, people would drown, people would die, rides could break beyond repair (or... roller coasters would atleast), etc etc. Sadly the things that I mentioned above can no longer happen in RCT3, except for roller coasters breaking down, but those rides could easily be fixed if you have a maintance guy close by. Peeps no longer die or drown, rides cant crash and kill people, it was just missing alot of stuff that I loved about RCT1 (never played RCT2).
Besides the things that it lack, this is truely the most fun tycoon game out there and is worth playing for hours and hours.
Graphics (depending on your pc ofcorse): 9
(very flexible, fun on all range computers, weak or strong, doesnt matter really)
Music: 8.5
(something I forgot to mention about the music, upon downloading RCT3 on your computer, not only will it give you the folder that holds all the game's content, but it will also give you a picture folder and a music folder, which as they suggest, allows you to play your music in the game and display your pics in the game)
Gameplay: 9.5
replay value: 10
other features:8
Over all, a 9!