Solid Rocky Title

User Rating: 8.6 | Rocky Balboa PSP
I purchased this game because I am a huge fan of the movies, but was a little hesitant because of all the terrible reviews. I have to say that all the reviews it has been getting are way off. It has been wildly under-rated, especially over at IGN. (4.7) This is a great game with solid gameplay and great graphics for the PSP. It has a ton of fighters from all the movies including Mason Dixon, lots of arenas, and plenty of game modes. The arenas and character models all look fantastic. The button conifiguration is not as hard to get used to as most reviews have stated. It is quite simple once you get the hang of it, although most reviews have it basically labeled as the Contra of boxing games. The only frustrating thing about fighting is moving around correctly. When you are close to the opponent and want to back up, you have to back off with the D-pad, then use the analog stick; this can be a little annoying at times.
A couple bad things are loading times, and lack of all the music. It only has "Gonna Fly Now." But other than that I have no complaints and definitely recommend this game if you are in need of a boxing game or Rocky fix.