Rock Band is Awesome. (

User Rating: 10 | Rock Band PS3
Rock Band is just AWESOME. The band world tour is incredibily fun and rocking out with your friends is just a great experience. Multiplayer is very smooth and is also very fun...Drums are very fun to play...I select drums in my career and it's very very exciting. Also it has a lot of my favorite songs....and lots of downloadble content (although I haven't downloaded any I heard there was lots of content to be downloaded this week...) I could stay here and talk a lot more about this game....but I'm gonna go play it..

Bottom Line : Rock Band is the must-buy of the year and WILL beat Guitar Hero III in sales by the end of the year (that's if Harmonix starts making more bundles...I mean come-on they have EA by their side and they are millionaires start making more bundles) [ I'm reffering to that a lot of my friends couldn't get the game just because "there weren't any more bundles") It still a good game anyway (correction an incredibly awesome game)