Unique, but Slightly Flawed Gameplay.

User Rating: 8.1 | Rise to Honour PS2
I can honestly say that this game is unlike any other I have ever played. Developers met their goal of making a video game that really feels like a Hong Kong action title. The game deserves a good deal of respect for doing something this groundbreaking.
The game includes a combat system that is based on your right analog stick, rather than your four face buttons. You attack opponents by tapping the right analog stick in their direction during both hand-to-hand and shooting sequences. This takes some getting used to, but becomes fairly fluid with extended gameplay.
In the areas of plot, sound, dialog, and graphics, the game is top notch. Most of the production values seem to have been geared toward the appearance and feel of the game. Action comes in bite-sized chunks with a great deal of cinematic cutscenes. The cutscenes are actually used very well to tell the story and eliminate your typical load screens. Because of this, games may feel a little interruption in the action, but will never be removed from the story.
The controls are revolutionary, but they could definitely use a little work. I often found it hard to target my intended enemies with my right analog stick, which led to a good deal of frustration. The R1 button is used for all your jumping and dodging during all of the cinematic running sequences, and the timing is far from perfect.
The game offers a minimum of on-screen distractions (like large life meters, maps, or objective markers), and many of the items in the environment can be used during combat (chairs, bottles, etc). While all combat moves are controlled by the analog stick, Jet Li uses a wide variety of punches, kicks, and grapples during the game.
I give this game a lot of credit for being different from the other games on the market, and would recommend it as a rental to everyone just so they can experience it. However, the inconsistent controls and difficulty kept me from absolutely loving this game enough to recommend it a s purchase to anyone who is not a hardcore action or kung-fu movie fan.