
Wolfenstein: Youngblood Review - Family Matters

  • First Released Jul 26, 2019
  • PC

Young, wild, and free.

In Wolfenstein's alternate 1980s, Nazis remain a tyrannical force of evil and oppression across Europe, even after Hitler was killed by series protagonist BJ Blazkowicz. Thus, the Nazi killing continues as the Blazkowicz twins, Jess and Soph, pick up where their parents left off for a spin-off in Wolfenstein: Youngblood--a relentless co-op shooter driven by an unapologetic, youthful attitude. It may not reach the same narrative heights of its predecessors or land every idea borne out in its new approach, but Youngblood hits where it counts.

Our introduction to Jess and Soph shows how their parents, Anya and BJ, taught them the means for survival on their rural Texas homestead. There's a tense tone of protective parents who've been through the worst and are preparing their daughters to be able to handle the same, which is quickly juxtaposed with the twins' carefree exuberance when alone together. Bring in the wizkid best friend Abby, daughter of Wolfenstein 2's Grace Walker, and you have a trio that brings their own unique swagger to the Wolfenstein name.

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Now Playing: Wolfenstein: Youngblood Video Review

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Their personalities immediately come to life. Jess and Soph are boisterous and sometimes dorky, the same way many teenagers and young adults are, and it gives them genuine personalities that mostly just come off cool as hell, especially with stellar voice acting. They'll go back and forth about their favorite superspy novel series Arthur & Kenneth, even imagining themselves as their beloved in-fiction duo. They'll refer to things their parents have done, hype each other up in combat, and just straight up act silly in the elevator loading screens to the tune of '80s synthpop background music, breathing new life into the Blazkowicz family.

The game is less about a bold, fleshed-out narrative and more about instilling an infectious charisma in its star characters to match the over-the-top action and sow the seeds for what's next in Wolfenstein.

It's not long before they take a turn for the absurd; with BJ gone missing, they uncover clues to his disappearance and take matters into their own hands. But they're not exactly sneaking out of the house or secretly taking their parents' car out for a drive. They're taking a military-grade helicopter to Nazi-occupied France to find their dad, and well, kill Nazis. As either Jess or Soph (with your co-op or AI partner as the other sister) and equipped with high-tech Da'at Yichud battle suits, you join a French resistance movement in Neu-Paris, which quickly boils down to you raiding Nazi outposts and strongholds.

With Jess and Soph inseparable, co-op is at the heart of the experience, and thankfully partnering up online is a breeze. As a host you can have friends (or randoms) jump into your session seamlessly without interruption; the AI will assume control until a player connects and again right as a player leaves. If players have identical missions in the quest log, completing it will record progress for both players. And if you'd rather go it alone alongside a decent AI companion, it's just as viable an option for the entire game.

Youngblood captures that familiar Wolfenstein feeling of taking an automatic shotgun to a Nazi soldier, melting an armor-clad supersoldier with a laser rifle, or zapping a horde with a lighting coil, and what a powerful feeling it is. But what's new is that tougher enemies have one of two armor elements that are weak to corresponding weapons, encouraging you to actively juggle your varied arsenal. Furthermore, a slightly more diverse weapon upgrade system helps flesh out some familiar firearms to get them to function the way you prefer and tear through enemies more efficiently.

Light RPG elements also make their way into the character progression system; you rack up XP then dump upgrade points into new skills and perks, like raising health/armor caps, increasing cloak times, stocking heavy weapons, and much more. Enemies scale to your level, and only a few sections are defended by near-impossible enemies early on. It's a simple system that helps facilitate steady unlocks, making you feel like you're getting ever more devastating, but never overpowered.

Solid gunplay and some neat mechanics wouldn't mean much without the proper combat encounters to complement them, and Youngblood delivers. You'll often find yourself pulling out all the stops to either finish combat scenarios or realize you have to retreat and rethink your approach. A completely stealthy approach isn't as viable as it was in previous Wolfenstein games, even with the new cloaking ability, but it's a good way to thin out the opposition before going all-out guns blazing. It can get overwhelming when supersoldiers, massive mechs, and a bomb-strapped panzerhund bear down on you, but that's when Youngblood is at its best. Intense firefights can break out anywhere with little warning, and the main missions manage to keep a consistent action-packed momentum throughout.

Youngblood captures that familiar Wolfenstein feeling of taking an automatic shotgun to a Nazi soldier, melting an armor-clad supersoldier with a laser rifle, or zapping a horde with a lighting coil, and what a powerful feeling it is.

Admittedly, co-op centric features are a bit sparse. Each sister has a roster of emotes and motivational quips called pep signals that provide stat buffs or much-needed armor/health. However, that's pretty much what you get in terms of tandem abilities, and the absence of some sort of joint attack or tag-team abilities feels like a missed opportunity. In the fray, partners will be frantically trying to revive each other or falling back on shared lives which work like instant continues, taking the place of a traditional checkpoint system. It can be frustrating to make it to the final fight of a main mission, run out of shared lives, and be sent back to the very beginning of the mission. But if anything, it's a crude way to emphasize cooperation and tactical gameplay.

Overall, Youngblood leans more into an open structure by making Neu-Paris a group of separate districts (open hub areas) where you find your missions. After a brief introduction, you're tasked with assaulting three "Brother" towers--your main quests--attached to each hub area. Out on the streets, though, side missions and random events fill in the spaces and are conducive for racking up early XP, getting familiar with district layouts, and soaking up the vibe of a downtrodden 1980s Paris, but these missions quickly feel like filler that bulk out your to-do list.

The design of the districts are striking, however, and you'll see hints of Arkane Studios' influence; when I'm double jumping and mantling to the rooftops and top floors of buildings, I'm reminded of Dishonored, especially as I search for collectibles and chests full of currency. This approach also spices up combat with some verticality and the opportunity to flex the agile capabilities of those slick Da'at Yichud suits. The Brother towers even have alternative entry points that you'll have to discover yourself or find through side missions. It's a successful incorporation of that studio's strengths, and the game is better for it.

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The Paris catacombs acts your safe hub in Youngblood, and it's where you accept side missions from resistance members, stock up on supplies, or hit up the old knock-off Wolfenstein 3D cabinet. It's not as extensive as The New Colossus' U-boat home, and you won't get much from its inhabitants--they're nowhere near as involved as Wolfenstein 2's supporting cast since they're just quest givers. However, Jess, Soph, and Abby are there to pick up the slack.

They might be polar opposites of their parents, but it gives Youngblood its own flair. BJ's inner monologue and struggle internalizing life-long trauma is at the heart of modern Wolfenstein games, and Anya has seen the pure evil of the Nazi regime first hand through the years. Naturally, Jess and Soph have vastly different characterizations, only knowing a post-war world and presumably growing up in a stable household. They capture the spirit of a carefree youth, yet they share the same unfettered motivation for killing Nazis; it would seem that Anya and BJ taught them well.

The story doesn't reach the same highs as mainline Wolfenstein games, namely The New Colossus. It’s an incredibly tough act to follow, really. But aside from a cheap plot twist and underwhelming villains, most of Youngblood's lean story is quality stuff. To that end, the game is less about a bold, fleshed-out narrative and more about instilling an infectious charisma in its star characters to match the over-the-top action and sow the seeds for what's next in Wolfenstein. Despite Youngblood taking place after events we've yet to see unfold in the mainline games, it leaves the door open for some exciting, wild possibilities for where the series could go.

Jess and Soph are boisterous and sometimes dorky, the same way many teenagers and young adults are, and it gives them genuine personalities that mostly just come off cool as hell...

Throughout Youngblood, traces of an ongoing game structure become more pronounced once you finish the main story. You can take on daily and weekly challenges as they cycle into the game, which offer some additional XP and currency to unlock any remaining abilities and weapon mods. What's a bit more substantial is the option to replay story missions on harder difficulties (hard, very hard, and challenging) for increasing amounts of XP and currency. While it's a bog-standard way to keep the co-op experience going, they at least offer an outlet to try new tactics, as these harder modes can become quite unforgiving. The endgame may not be extensive, but the ride was exciting enough that the content feels like a little value added.

Wolfenstein: Youngblood has the series' signature first-person shooting thrills that'll have you gladly busting shots and blasting lasers in the face of Nazi trash--and the opportunity to do so alongside a friend. It incorporates some new ideas which are serviceable for the most part, but hits more of the right notes in RPG elements and level design. It also knows the resistance doesn't end when one person cuts the head off a monstrous regime; the fight continues, sometimes into the next generation. And the way this brief spin-off broadens the saga with the Blazkowicz twins makes you wish there was more to see from this new cast of lovable knuckleheads. Jess and Soph--and Abby too--learned from the best, and embrace their newfound duty of ridding their world of tyranny while being cool as hell doing it. Youngblood is short, but oh-so sweet.

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The Good

  • Thrilling, challenging combat encounters
  • Light RPG elements spice up the solid gunplay
  • Bright, charming, and unapologetic attitude from Jess, Soph, and Abby
  • Seamless co-op system and decent AI partner for solo players

The Bad

  • Lack of variety in side missions and additional activities
  • Limited use of co-op for gameplay features

About the Author

Michael loves them story-driven shooters, especially the modern Wolfenstein games. He spent around 12 hours (roughly split between co-op with a friend and solo with AI) coursing through Youngblood’s missions and endgame content on PC. Review code was provided by Bethesda.
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Edited By e2ec

Absolutely the worst Wolfenstein ever. There were need to ran through the same maps and defeat the same respawned enemies again and again to complete the main story missions. Also the script of the story were filled with SJW lobbying. Maybe 4/10 would be realistic.

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Edited By k41m

The moment when gamespot gives this game a better score than Days Gone... I haven't visited this website in such a long time and this is the reason why I stopped. Just look at the comparison between the User reviews and their "official" review.

I will say though, when the girls landed their first kill and the one started puking I did laugh my arse off. I just wish these devs knew that not all people from the south talk with broken english, having an accent doesn't mean you say things like "we's gon do that, i's love that!"

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Edited By ecs33

@k41m: Lol true but maybe that's just due to the fact that schools probably aren't a thing in this universe, and so a generation later people don't sound too bright.

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Edited By physics_guy

I'll start this buy saying that politically I'm far left of center and I am frankly sick of the boring dude-bro protagonist. However, I do not think that reboots or spinoffs should get score boosts because they feature women, ethnic minorities, lgbt, etc. These are nice things to have for variety's sake and to resemble reality but they cannot be the main draw of a game. And, frankly, I do not feel like having female leads in a high profile video game is something particularly new. I also do not think that making this game about BJ's daughters was a bad thing, it just doesn't look like a good game.

Now, to the franchise at hand, I have played through the first game in this series twice and loved both times. I bought the new colossus and I did not finish it; it was just more of the same. It felt more like an expansion, not its own game. The "optional" content was also a chore and was a step in the wrong direction. Its a high production value shooter, the game play does not have to be artificially extended to some ridiculous amount of time. Short and sweet is the right approach (unless you want micro-transactions, of course). I feel like this game strays even further from what made the first in this reboot series good, it looks like a looter-shooter, not a proper FPS, grinding and level gates instead of story. What I have seen from the cut scenes is difficult to believe banter and boring characters.

Very relieved to be able to give this one a pass. There are too many good games to catch up on.

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@physics_guy: I've had a similar experience with New Colossus. Made it to the final Mars base but didn't really care to finish. The first reboot was the same for me - made it to the moon and just stopped caring at that point. Perhaps these games need to be a tad shorter.

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I miss the good old days where people liked a game or disliked a game... now it’s “paid reviews” and “SJW”.. they liked the game, I think it’s crap. I have my reasons but not because of the above. I think it’s ok to have an opinion, and it’s fine if it doesn’t align with my own. But name calling people who are giving their opinion is not ok. People need to be better than this. It’s 2019, there are hundreds of reviews and gameplay walkthroughs to look at to allow you to make a worthwhile purchasing decision.

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I want my good old Gamespot back. With staff like from PS1-2 era. If you cannot find decent reviewers who have an ability to differentiate quality from crap, and what define "great" game in crowd of thousand's recycled garbage, then better close this site before it become new CNN joke. Oh and in case they are forced to "think this way" rather than their own by GS administration, shame on you, you derogatory pig-suits!

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I think we can take this as official confirmation of the death of mainstream videogame media and review sites, they're either bought and paid for or they're so rotten with politics that they're willing to overlook just outright terrible games if it fits a narrative or agenda. Stop with the "you're just bigots" BS, it's see-through ... the game has a 2.2 user review score on Metacritic, it's been flat out panned by any independent reviewer with an ounce of credibility but this review is glowing with telling statements like "Their personalities immediately come to life. Jess and Soph are boisterous and sometimes dorky, the same way many teenagers and young adults are, and it gives them genuine personalities that mostly just come off cool as hell", who are you trying to kid, the characters are obnoxious and annoying as hell.

Whatever, you people have zero credibility or integrity. The gaming industry need rid of these parasitic non-gamers polluting it ...where is the condemnation of the greedy microtransaction system?

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Question is did Bethesda hold gamespot for ransom IE give this a good review or no more early review copies if not then this guuy review ing the game can honestly find the dialogue great is just insane its horrid and mmakes m

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I cannot believe anyone would give this game an 8. Exactly how much did they pay you for it? i'm not one to go "uh you got paid for your reviews" but now... this is just terrible. it's an objectively bad game. it's 10 hours long single player with microtransactions. the AI is complete garbage. The level design is so bad you can just run through missions without actually shooting nazis. there are no checkpoints, no pausing, bullet sponge enemies that respawn so quickly in the very small open world that there's no reason to stand your ground and fight them if you don't have to. "8 out of 10" my ass.

Yes, i know. it's your opinion. however, if that's your honest opinion i really think your judgement is suspect and not worth my time to consult and if it's not your honest opinion (i.e. you got paid for it) then we really can't trust your words either way.

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Edited By Jdzspace

I'm not going to lie. I saw this game at E3 and though "ugh, SJWs are going to destroy all the sacred franchises in gaming". I got the game because I loved the first two Wolfenstein (modern wolfenstein games rather). Then I used the buddy pass to co-op with my friend just the other night, and it was fun. There isn't anything else to call it. The combat was fun, the difficulty feels a little bit high but that could be because we didn't use much in the way of skill points. That being said, the game is fun. That's the only requirement for a game. Can you pick it up alone or with a friend and have a good time. I don't agree with the politics that spawned this game, I'm not a huge fan of the new mechanics and elements added in the game, and i'm firmly against microtransactions. But it's a fun game......that is the most important thing. and the characters themselves....I wanted to hate them in a way because they weren't BJ, but honestly. They were goofy at times, but ultimately likable. I think the fact that it's a fun game should probably speak louder than all the social noise around the other things. But that's just me.

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Another review that doesn't mention microtransactions? That's IGN, Gamespot and Kotaku off my legit review site list.

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Decent game, polished. having a good time....i dont hate everything trying to be cool...

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@jergernice1: why not?

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Edited By Seripa

@jergernice1: Cool.

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Are you kidding me? How much was Gamespot paid to write this "review"? This is by far one of the worst games, with the worst combat, characters, writing, etc in a long time. The fact this is an 8 makes me lose all of the limited respect I had left for Gamespot.

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@binhex I just think it's genuine difference of opinion. There are people in the industry I know are legit and one will talk about how they hate the game and the next will talk about how they love it. It really comes down to how you like the 2 main characters. I think they're awful and wreck the game for me, but I can see people that like them.:

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This is why I haven't been to Gamespot in like 5 years. This used to be my homepage. Now it isn't even a bookmark. Sad.

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@wgerardi: I come to these sites to laugh at how clueless they are.

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@wgerardi: It's still worth visiting to compare the site's official review and score with real consumers' opinions. Only then the true picture will emerge. So thanks for stopping by and adding your voice to helping others decide if they want to spend money on this piece of garbage created with the sole purpose of generating the highest possible profit while minimizing expenses.

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@ChrisAnetkaC The last person I would ever listen to is a consumer or a fan. The chance of getting a fair and balanced view of something from a fan boy is next to zero. No, it is zero.:

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@loveblanket: So when your family member has a bad experience at a restaurant you do not care but will insist on eating there and nowhere else? Consumer and fan aren't synonyms so I'm not sure why you're suddenly hijacking this thread in a new direction, especially since fanboyism towards this particular product here is clearly a small minority. Consumer opinions should be treated as a whole rather than individually. When 1 person says something is bad that can be a subjective opinion without much merit but when 90% of them agree then there is something to it. That works for all products including video games.

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@ChrisAnetkaC: well maybe the 90% of people who hate this game only hate it because it’s considered “cool” to do so lol. I mean just look at the user ratings for this game, 13 out of the 39 people who reviewed the game gave it a 1 out of 10. That alone is enough for me to listen to critics over the consumer.

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Are people actually pulling the "because you hate the wamanz" card on people who dislike this game?

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@seripa: It's kind of a smart move if you're a writer honestly because you don't have to take criticism. Anyone who dislikes your work you can just label a "bigot" and feel good about yourself.

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Oh, Gamespot.... You were good once!


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Edited By m7stech

They gave it 8 probably because it has 2 female protagonist to keep SJWs happy

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@m7stech: The more realistic scenario is that other gaming sites would lampoon the game to keep the sad incel/gamergate community happy, since after all they are a much bigger part of the user base.

An even more realistic scenario is that the presence of female main characters has played no role whatsoever in the score and it's simply a matter of how good the game is.

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@m7stech Wow, 2019 and someone still uses the term SJW without irony. You're a loser and you'll never be anything in life. :

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@loveblanket: Thanks for your concern but no I'm doing great I worked hard and life is good, a career I couldn't have dreamed of 10 years ago, I'm supporting my sister at uni... I am however worried about you scrolling between 300 comments just to insult however you don't agree with and blow off steam from your week would only show how important you are in life, have you tried seeing a psychiatrist, I hear they can cure pathetic hypocrisy.

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@m7stech: well anyone who claims that a reviewer gave a game a high score only to keep the SJWs happy without providing any proof to their claim deserves to be insulted.

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Are you suggesting that SJWs aren't a thing? Or that they are or doing their best to push their agendas in the world of gaming? I'm not sure what the date has to do with anything. You can look at this game and see just from the general concept clearly see that it has a social agenda to push. I'm not saying it's bad or good in this game, or that the game is bad or good. But acting like those influences don't exist or that mentioning their influence is just silly.

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Edited By Laurence21888


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Edited By aross2004

@laurence21888: Why are you yelling at everyone? Trigger alert!

Oh, and many FPS's have RPG elements and are good, (Borderlands, The Division and Destiny say hello).

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We have a pro gamer over here fellas.

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@aiat_gamer: LOL, right? I won't even edit my post, it's just too funny!

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@aross2004: haha you are such a troll! lol, looking at your history I can see you are triggered by absolutely everyone haha! you are a typical loser starting fights in the comment section who lives in this forum with nothing better to do. and yes im definitely triggered by bethesda ruining wolfenstein as should any person who loves the franchise!!! I did caps to make sure it stood out. And I never said they were bad games you idiot, its the fact they have turned the most classic FPS into a RPG FPS and they give it an 8. Go live your sad little life and dont get too triggered by my response hahahaha

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@laurence21888WOW! You need to get back on your meds. At least get yourself back to your English writing class. There are a ton of great shooters with rpg elements. If that makes you go mental and scream in all caps, you need serious therapy.:

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Edited By Laurence21888

@loveblanket: Wow, you are such a sad pathetic little man to attack someones grammar on a gaming comment section LOL!! You're a loser and you'll never be anything in life. I never said all RPG elements are bad. I actually love borderlands. But I'll happily put my comments in CAPS to make sure it stands out to people. Gamespot should stop these crappy sell out reviews backing games with micro transactions and games that offend the original fan base. They are making wolfenstein into a RPG just to put in Micro transactions!! About time we all stood up and screamed at the developers to make a stand. People like you condemning anyone who speaks out against it are the cancer on the gaming world.

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This game SUCKS no way it's an 8. Must have been paid off.

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After Fallout 76 I am never again touching a game made by Bethesda. Hope they crash and burn.

Plus I am tired of nazi killing games. When are we getting a game with commies as enemies? Could use other evil guys.

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@nefastuss There's no moral equivalency. Communism was a response to the colonialism and racism the west put upon the rest of the world and a response to authoritarianism globally along with an economic system that leaves most people behind. Nazism was a racist ideology about killing anyone that's different. There's no comparison. :

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@loveblanket: 1 - Cool story bro.. 2 - Bad grammar 3 - You are wrong, the basis of their ideologies and the motivations that guided them were very much the same. Pol Pot and Stalin were all genocidal maniacs and had little regard for the mass of humanity that populated their borders. Thank me for the history lesson later. Don't get too triggered.

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@nefastuss: Call of duty Black ops and Freedom fighters , C&C red alert if you dig RTS. I understand, they're old.

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@santinegrete: I played a lot of red alert, great game!

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