
The Last Of Us Part 2 Spoiler Review - Dog Eat Dog

  • First Released Jun 19, 2020
  • PS4

Here are our more detailed thoughts about The Last of Us Part II.

Editor's note: You may have seen our spoiler-free The Last of Us Part II review, originally published on June 12, 2020. Due to a strict embargo, we were limited in what aspects of the game we could touch on in that review. Now that the embargo has lifted and the game is now available, I've expanded on my thoughts here; this review has the same arguments and score as the first one and is simply more detailed in my analysis. Note that this review contains spoilers, including one major character death. We also have a full spoiler chat covering every story beat in the game if you're looking for even more in-depth analysis of the story.

The Last of Us Part II begins with serious tonal whiplash. One moment, Ellie and her close friend Dina are becoming more than friends in a basement filled with weed plants and Naughty Dog porn puns; the next, Joel is being savagely beaten to death with a golf club. It's the first of many, many gruesome deaths. Some happen whether you want them to or not, in intimate cutscenes that are hard to watch, while others happen just because an NPC got in between you and your objective and killing them was the easiest thing to do. Either way, that brief glimpse of happiness at the beginning is left very much in the dust.

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But while the scale and severity of death and loss in this game is incredibly high, The Last of Us Part II is more a character study than a musing on the nature of violence. On that front, the story of Ellie, her playable foil Abby, and their quests for revenge and redemption is a gripping and harrowing one, and I found myself deeply emotionally entangled with each woman and her strengths and flaws. The bloodshed is very much a part of that story, but it's far from the most effective one, and it's where the game stumbles a bit.

Throughout the game, I often wanted to stop Ellie from making the choices she was making. Joel's death sends her on a relentless quest for revenge, and I had a hard time buying into it. Ellie's life in the settlement of Jackson is a good one--she has a new girlfriend, and it's about as nice a place to live as you could expect from a post-apocalyptic community. It was hard for me at first to understand why she'd want to risk all that for a dangerous revenge quest when she could process her grief among friends and loved ones in relative safety.

But Ellie decides to get revenge, so you go. As Ellie, you play three days in Seattle as you hunt down any and all the people present when Abby killed Joel. They're all members of the Washington Liberation Front, or WLF for short, and much of your time is spent killing random "Wolves" from one combat scenario to the next. You collect resources and weapons, upgrade those weapons, unlock new skill paths, and generally get very used to killing people (and infected) as the scrappy, agile Ellie.

Like I said in my spoiler-free review, the combat is intense and exhilarating. Ellie's movements are smooth enough that they almost look scripted; you can duck and dodge in a fight and deliver a return blow with a series of button presses that translate into a strangely graceful dance. You can accidentally alert an enemy to your presence only to slip through a tight space in the wall, vault through a window, and outrun your pursuer through a building to reestablish your cover and gain the upper hand. You can also easily get surrounded and die horribly, whether you're fighting people or infected.

Ellie with her bow and arrow, a favorite weapon for stealth.
Ellie with her bow and arrow, a favorite weapon for stealth.

Navigating any given combat scenario is a puzzle in which you have to figure out exactly how to get from point A to point B with the resources you have. I'm partial to stealth when possible, and it's especially rewarding to decide how you're going to silently kill each enemy with only a flimsy silencer, two arrows, and your default knife. Should you kill the blind clickers first because they're strong and deadly, or should you kill the infected runners first because they can see you? Can you retrieve an arrow from a corpse to be reused on their friend? Most importantly, where's the exit?

And, of course, it is brutal. Enemies use each other's names and cry out when you kill their friends. Killing someone's dog is a priority, as they can track your scent and maul you to death, and you have to hear them mourn the dog in real-time. But frankly, the fact that your enemies have names doesn't make them any less in your way. You have to do what you have to do to get to the next location, and you want to do that to see where the story goes next. They might as well be anonymous at that point.

The fact that your enemies have names doesn't make them any less in your way.

Overall, Ellie leaves an unbelievable amount of destruction in her wake in just three days. Day 3 itself ends in chaos, but before it can be resolved, the game cuts. The next thing you know, it's Seattle Day 1 again, and you're controlling Abby. This is where The Last of Us II contextualizes Ellie's rampage, and it's the entire reason the story works at all.

It can certainly be jarring to suddenly switch characters. In many ways, you have to start from scratch; you have a whole new set of weapons and skills to unlock, and Abby feels different in a fight. But you also know much of what happens to Abby's friends, and on Day 1, you see a lot of ghosts. There's a pang of sadness and overwhelming inevitability in every interaction you have with them; you wish you could change the outcome, but you can't.

Abby in combat.
Abby in combat.

Like Ellie, Abby was driven by revenge--and she got it. Through flashbacks, you learn exactly what happened and where she's come from, and it doesn't take long to side with her over Ellie despite any lingering feelings you might have for Joel. Done with a years-long search for vengeance, hers is a story of redemption. Unlike with Ellie, it's easy to get invested in Abby's goals, which include saving her friend and then saving some kids. Her motivations are complicated, sure, but it's not at all a struggle to get on board with what you're doing.

Abby is clearly a foil to Ellie, just further along in her journey. Through Abby, you get to see what redemption for Ellie might look like, even after all that she's done. It's a testament to Abby's characterization that I ended up more attached to her than I was to Ellie, and when the game ripped me back to Ellie's perspective for the final stretch, I was more concerned about Abby's safety than Ellie's pain.

It's a testament to Abby's characterization that I ended up more attached to her than I was to Ellie.

Like Ellie, though, Abby still kills a lot of people. Abby's main enemy is a religious group called the Seraphites, and they, too, are composed of mostly anonymous soldier types. They do get some humanization through Abby's companion, an exiled Seraphite boy named Lev, but it's about the same as that of the Wolves: just enough for the story, and not enough to make you change how you fight. In Abby's case, the onslaught of combat against human enemies feels more at odds with her character development, especially by Day 3, and a lot of that violence goes unexamined. Neither Abby nor Ellie faces real consequences for most of those deaths.

For both characters, this disconnect between the gameplay and the grander narrative is compounded by looting and collectible-hunting. Looting during a fight is exciting, especially when you find the one extra bullet you need or a bit of health that can keep you going. But more often than not, I'd loot and look for collectibles only after I'd killed every enemy in the vicinity. It's far easier and safer, for one, and I didn't want to miss any of the interesting sub-plots found in scattered notes and photographs just because I wanted to kill fewer people.

Both Ellie and Abby tend to leave destruction in their wake.
Both Ellie and Abby tend to leave destruction in their wake.

Most of the time, there aren't any collectibles to find in combat-heavy areas. But there are occasionally notes and things to find when enemies are around, and as a result, I ended up scouring every corner of every area in the hopes of finding something cool. Because most combat arenas give you multiple avenues of attack and escape, though, I ended up backtracking through most of them to try to find things, and that can severely disrupt the pacing. The nooks and crannies that work well in combat just become one more place to look for a note or trading card, and the fact that you're looking for trading cards at all often feels too game-y for the otherwise sobering tone.

I ended up enabling an accessibility option called high-contrast mode to help with my collectible hunt, not because it was difficult, but because I was getting annoyed. When toggled on, it mutes the background, removes textures, and highlights interactable objects and enemies. I used it after clearing an area of enemies to speed up the looting part, and while it wasn't the most elegant solution, it did help the pacing. It's one of a litany of accessibility options, too, which allow you to fine-tune the gameplay, sound, and visuals to your needs. It's a commendable suite that's incredibly inclusive, though I enabled an option just to circumvent a gameplay annoyance rather than to fit a need.

Abby is a fantastic character in her own right, and the way the game pits her against Ellie is what makes the story powerful.

Despite those annoyances, finding collectibles and piecing together the stories held within them is rewarding and paints a picture of the outbreak as it developed through the years. A bank robbery gone wrong sticks out as a favorite, and there are quite a few other stories worth finding. A lot of the time, seeking out these collectibles will force you to get creative--things like breaking windows to bypass a locked door or swinging on a cable to get to an area that's just out of reach. There's nothing so difficult that you feel like a genius for figuring it out, but it does make you feel appropriately resourceful.

It's a bleak, pessimistic world, and exploration issues aside, I didn't exactly want to leave it. The ending is devastating, and I almost wanted more time in-game to reflect on it. I instead put the game down for a full week after I was done so I could fully process what had happened.

In the original Last of Us, I wanted to make Joel's bad decisions right along with him; I knew it was "wrong," in a sense, but I wanted to save Ellie anyway. In Part II, I wanted nothing to do with Ellie's bad decisions. There's no "oh god, I'm the monster" moment; just profound sadness about all the pain she's caused. Without Abby, none of that works. Abby is a fantastic character in her own right, and the way the game pits her against Ellie is what makes the story powerful. It's a tragic, heartbreaking exploration of the consequences of the first game, even if not all your actions here have real consequences.

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The Good

  • Ellie and Abby are both complicated and flawed, well deserving of such an intense character study
  • The overall story is bleak and depressing, but ultimately more impactful for it
  • Combat is tense, and successfully navigating an encounter with limited resources is immensely satisfying

The Bad

  • Much of the violence you inflict goes unexamined, which makes the gruesomeness of it just unpleasant
  • Looting and collectible hunting can disrupt the pacing, and the presence of collectibles doesn't always fit the situation well

About the Author

Kallie completed The Last Of Us Part II in 30 hours on Hard difficulty and put in a handful of hours into a New Game Plus playthrough. She loves Dina. Review code was provided by Sony.
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Edited By Daidochus

There a 2 things that makes the plot weak.

1- Why the F would Ellie kill Mel who she subdued? She could have asked her qeustions? Ellie kills all major charcters in cold blood without reasoning with them further. Poor Owen.

2- everyone kills eachother in this game, so they all need to seek revenge? What makes juice head Ebbys case so special? 5 years later she comes to kill Joel LOL okeee?? (Next time the daughter of that gaurd in the Sewers who Tommy killed wil come after him, maybe that bandit who was in the forest and Ellie killed him with a bow, maybe his daughter will come and kill Ellie next) see what i am doing? Weak plot

Story is weak the rest is great

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@daidochus: It doesn't sound like you played this at all. They had no idea where Joel was until they got a tip off . This is explained in the game. She always wanted to avenge her death but even when she is ready to Isaac tells her she can't go . Of course she goes anyway but she had obstacles and circumstances preventing her from seeking justice earlier in time.

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Edited By Daidochus

@deviltaz35: You commented on my previous comment on another article over Lev. There I mentioned A LOT of details and deep thoughts about the game. IF someone who didn't play the game can't come up with these deep thoughts and subjects about the game. By this, you should have known that I played the game.

I have my reasons why I think that Abby seeking revenge was lame so early in the game. Go on Youtube and look at some of the most respected influencers and they will say why Abby killing Joel is written in a bad way. It's not about Joel dying its about HOW they kill him off. If we played with Abby at the start and build up momentum with her and then BOOM killed Joel at the End with Abby, DAMN, that would have been a masterpiece of a story. The impact would have been HUGE and Joel's death would have had a meaning.

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@daidochus: does it matter what other people think? and while it might be a thing on your world the words "respected" and "influencer" do not go together in my opinion. i'm not dissing anything you say about the game, it's a perfectly fine opinion. but trying to support your opinion with the opinions of people that make yt-videos is kind of funny to me.

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Edited By blindbsnake

@daidochus: 1 - If you need to ask you didn´t saw the scene properly...

2 - What's make Ellies case so special? If you can reply this question you will have the reply to yours...

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@daidochus: Joel and Ellie were known and important characters to the fireflies, because Marleen probably told everyone about them. I find it actually less likely that someone would go after Tommy. Also Joel killed every one in that hospital, not just Abby's dad.

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Edited By Pierce_Sparrow

@daidochus: 1. Ellie was attacked. Ellie wasn't trying to kill either of them, she just wanted to know where Abby was. She was attacked by Owen, and then by Mel and she killed them both. You don't remember how horrified Ellie was after she realized Mel was pregnant?

2. It's a revenge tale and that's how they usually go. Have you never watched any revenge films before? Joel killed her father. It's not reasonable, but it's certainly plausible she would go after Joel for revenge. That's the whole damn point. Everything is busy plotting revenge and trying to kill each other, which is pointless, but in this world where death and murder are a pretty regular thing, these people trying to get revenge on each other doesn't feel far fetched at all.

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Edited By Daidochus

@Pierce_Sparrow: Mel was subdued lying harmless on the ground, what does Ellie do? Put a knife to het neck for good ol mindless killing sake. And yes like you said it "the usual revenge story" cliche. Thank you for stating it yourself. I acpected some masterfull plot. Its my own fault should have kepy my accpectations low on the story side. Dont get me wrong i really like the game but imo the plot could have been more tought about then just the usual revenge story like you said.

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Edited By Pierce_Sparrow

@daidochus: That she had Mel subdued is questionable. Go watch the scene again. Mel attacked Ellie with a knife after Owen was shot. What was Ellie going to do while Mel tried to kill her? Knock her to the ground and leave her there? She was in survival mode. Of course she was going to kill Mel. Mel and Owen shouldn't have attacked her. Even if you disagree with Ellie killing Mel, it makes perfect sense she would do it. In that situation, it's either kill or be killed. Had she known Mel was pregnant, things might have been different.

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Edited By Daidochus

@Pierce_Sparrow: To kill everyone in cold blood after they are no threath makes no sense to me and its not like Ellie. But then again i expected more from the story. Look at Kallie Plagge review she states the same thing wat i am stating. Ellie doesnt feel any emotion or isnt bothred by all this mindless killing. At first i thought Kallie is being too soft. But when i played the game i saw that its just killing for the sake of killing. The way she kills every friend of Abby is mind boggling. Why dindt she even try to convince Owen that she just wants to talk to them. And why doesnt she explain her own side of the story to them? If she did that, Owen would have showed emphaty en would have talked with her. But yeah everything went too fast. Al i am saying is give the deaths a meaning or the believable reason why someone kills said person (and not the daughter of a C list character that isnt even for like 10 secs in the game kills a A list character, it doesnt make sense). Now its just killing for the sake of killing, just like Kallie said in her review and i agree with her on this part. Apart from this mindless killing without any good reason, the game is a masterpiece. Cant wait for part 3.

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Edited By Pierce_Sparrow

@daidochus: It doesn't make sense to you because you're observing everything for m a rational, emotionally detached placed. You're not the character in this story. You're not experiencing Ellie's loss. You're not in her mindset. And no one ever said we're supposed to like her choices. That's part of the story. It does create an interesting angle for the story. We're in control, and yet we're not. We control some actions and others we do not. Perhaps it is because of this the game doesn't sit well with us. You can't accept that Ellie does these things, and in order to do so, you have to accept that what she does doesn't make sense. And you're right. Ellie shouldn't have gone on her quest for revenge, obviously, but no one ever said she was right. That is part of the reason why we play as Abby. So why does Ellie's story exist at all? Why play it if it isn't enjoyable? Because that's the story. Because Ellie going on a senseless quest for revenge is the story. He actions aren't logical, but she's not doing any of this from a place of logic, but that's the story and it has a point. Whether or not we actually like that story or not is up to the individual player.

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This game is like batman and robin: they killed batman and expect robin to take all the responsibilities awkwardly

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@kuchiki-ness: that little pocketknife alone makes Ellie so much more batman than Joel.

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Edited By DEVILTAZ35

@RaveNRolla: I did find it rather weird that Abby smashed both their faces into the floor yet at the farm not even a mark on Ellie lol. There is no way either of them would have survived Abby wailing on their faces like that on a hardwood floor especially seeing one of them had the back of her head wacked on that same floor at least 3 times.

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@deviltaz35: yeah, but the farm is like 2 years later or something? they surely crafted a lot of med kits inbetween ;) to be fair Ellie should not look the way she looks after all she's been through, but that's a part of the game i'm willing to accept.

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Edited By DEVILTAZ35

@RaveNRolla: I love the game but one part has me confused. The part where she is seriously injured when she is strung up and swings into the tree then you have to do whole combat sections and can do it at full health then all of a sudden she jumps over a wall and her injury is back lol. Then amazingly at some time she has stitches in her side lol. it seems like something was cut from this part as it's a bit jumbled lol.

Yeah the timeline is a bit confusing. I gathered by the age of the kid some time had past but how much time passes from then until she returns again as the farmhouse looks dilapidated and yet her room is brand new lol

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@deviltaz35: it's adrenaline of course! that's why she can still fight under pain. i don't know... probably. that really is stuff i don't care about that much. if i can accept that Ellie can kill thousands of people without ever getting a bullet in her head, i can accept that as well. i'm rather annoyed when a game sets my playable character's speed to superslow. i hate that.

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Edited By DEVILTAZ35

The combat in this game is awesome. After the forgetful gameplay of The Last of Us this is just a breath of fresh air. The way the enemy calls out each other's names and the fact that a shotgun blast can actually take off a limb i was just not expecting. The dying screams of the enemy is quite haunting . The sound design in this game is a step above other Naughty Dog games that is for sure.

I like how the enemy will actively seek you out too. It's not done in an impossible way but it does mean you can't just stay where you are hiding in the grass or you will get discovered.

Laying traps and using a 6 x scope sniper rifle never gets old. I have noticed reloading and redoing an area due to realising you missed exploring parts at times results in a different combat encounter that sometimes involved The infected and other times they are just not there which is pretty cool.

The stealth is still not quite right but it is streets ahead of the first game. It is still annoying that the AI character at times will just run in the line of fire though and also they are still largely invisible to enemies too though not always this time around.

I appreciate your AI partner can actually shoot and kill the enemy this time though.

Oddly there are some glitches, a couple of times i have been standing by an object such as a newspaper dispenser and i move and the whole screen goes grey. Another time whilst in a room an infected just appeared out of nowhere. I entered the room a different way so it is possible whatever triggered the game to have the creature attack got messed up. It was still surprising it wasn't picked up by Naughty Dog in testing though all the same.

On the plus side these are very minor and few and far between issues and i am quite amazed this game runs as smoothly as it does on 2014 hardware.

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@deviltaz35: different encounters, are you sure? that would be awesome! i only ever died during boss fights (and oh yeah i ran into a trap after scanning the whole area and was sure i dismantled them all) so i didn't notice. hope the enemies pack more of a punch on survivor. i'm so used to grounded.

Yeah, the name thing is a really cool addition. and it fits really well into the whole storytelling idea of seeing both sides. i actually got an "oh no, Joel!" yesterday. yes two people can have the same name, nd understands.

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Edited By analgrin

@deviltaz35: Have you seen that some infected are stuck camouflaged in mounds of fungus on the walls and can break out? They sometimes drop in from holes in the roof/ceiling too.

Or there's the stalkers that actively avoid you and move away and hide then come after you when you least expect it.

Might explain where that rogue infected came from??

In my 28 hour play through I only saw 2 very minor bugs. There's a part early in the game where Dina presses a switch to open a hidden area. But she seemed to have trouble getting into the right place and spent 10 seconds or so just walking into a wall, I said out loud "You feeling okay Dina?" then she finally snapped into position to press the switch.

Another time Ellies guns disappeared. She had her arms out like she was holding a rifle, even when I switched to pistol but nothing was there. I changed weapons a few times and it seemed to fix itself. Other than that no other bugs, not even common ones like people/infected clipping through walls/items. Excellent game and my PS4 Pro doesn't even seem to struggle. Fans stay relatively quiet.

ND's first PS5 game is going to look crazy real. I reckon it may even be TLOU3 by the sounds of it as Neil seems to have lost interest in making another Uncharted game.

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@analgrin: i noticed one pretty helpful bug yesterday. the very last encounter on ellie's day 3 where you have to steer your boat through a house occupied by seraphites (they start off shooting some wolves in a boat to alert the player). if you go all the way to the right of the house and prone against the bushes before you actually enter the house there is a perspective where most of the game world is gone but you still see the enemies walking around (you actually only see their jackets and pants, it's pretty funny). they look like they're walking on air because they're all on the 2nd floor. it's super handy to see how many there are (the wolves can kill some of them, so the numbers can change) and where.

also: how cool is going prone in shallow water!

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@RaveNRolla: lol i didn't notice anything like that and i did go right near that area you are talking about. I loved that fight in that area it is awesome. All you need to do is throw a few pipe bombs around the place to clear them out and snipe the ones up the top. That is cool lol. I love the stage where you steal the boat and keep popping up out of the water to kill them off and then disappearing and they don't know what is going on or where you are and are swearing at a ghost lol

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Edited By DEVILTAZ35

@analgrin: No i haven't gotten that far yet only just past the theatre :)

Bummer i would love to have an Uncharted game with Sully :). He always cracked me up. Agreed though what Naughty Dog do with a PS5 version of a game will be incredible. It is only hardware limitations at times that show this game up in the graphics areas but you generally have to look pretty hard to find a fault.

Rag doll physics are funny though if you kill someone and then hide in grass and bump into them lol . They act like raggedy ann dolls and the dead bodies' head goes into a really weird position lol

Been taking my time exploring everywhere. That might explain that one room though as it just looked like it appeared out of nowhere. Can't remember if there was fungus on the wall in that spot as it was earlier on.

The only part i dislike so far is the on rails like running sequences. I don't like glorified quicktime events in any game lol

i haven't had those sorts of glitches, using disc version not sure if that makes a difference or not ? . That sounds funny what happened with Dina and Ellie though lol.

The slight downside for me is there is just not enough thought put into obtaining codes for doors/safes they are often practically right in front of you or close to it. There is no challenge to any of the puzzles which is a shame.

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Edited By Armandrik

Sorry in advance for my English, It is not my langage.


I can't say why the miss Plagge does not understand the quest for vengeance after the brutal death of Joel. Also, when miss Plagge said : "it doesn't take long to side with "Abby" over Ellie"... I must say that I disagree with this statement. I had a lot of trouble getting attached to the character of Abby. His father was aware that he was going to kill Ellie to create a vaccine. Abby shared her father's idea. Joel went to the operating room to save Ellie, the doctor was threatening with his scalpel. Joel killed those who opposed him to save Ellie. Then Joel and Tommy save her life when she is trapped by the clickers. Despite this, she kills Joel ... one of the favorite characters in the game. How to have empathy with these elements that define the framework of this story. It is true that Abby is evolving ... but the damage was already done. The story is incredible but so awkwardly executed, which does not take away the quality of the experience I had while exploring, while living this sequel. There is so much to say about this game (what could have been better.. why some narrative elements doesn't work) but I want only to tell that I felt more for Ellie then for Abby in this story.
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@Armandrik: hmm. I'm not sure Abby fully shares her father's resolution. She says she'd wanted him to not hesitate if it was Abby, but then he doesn't say anything and she looks really sad as if she wanted him to say "i love you and i would never do this if it was you". but then, he is a doctor after all, so that would explain his relative soberness.

i never expected Joel to be a big part of this game. the early infos were always about Ellie going on a quest for revenge. i thought Joel might be too old or even might have died inbetween the two games. is this part of what got some people so mad? they thought Joel would be a large part of the game?

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@RaveNRolla: i didn't watch any spoilers before completing this game. I did notice in the trailer though that it does imply by the way they did the cutscenes that Joel is still alive and sees her off on her quest . Now we know that wasn't from the same scenario lol

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Edited By splice

"you wish you could change the outcome, but you can't."

This sums up my thoughts about so many parts of the game.

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Edited By DEVILTAZ35

@splice: You can always write and publish your own game instead of letting other creators design a game they want to.

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@deviltaz35: I would love to be involved in the creative process for a game.

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@splice: Me too actually. I think they are an amazing studio but nobody is perfect. CDPR is probably the closest to perfection but based on new trailers for Cyberpunk 2077 i think i'll wait to play it on the new consoles as there were masses amount of graphical pop in shown . Especially in the desert areas and really it's not that long until release to fix all that.

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Unfortunately I'm not yet able to play this game because I live in Iran and games are super expensive here right now but because I was so excited about the story I went ahead and read it over internet and I think they did a good job giving you the ability to play as an antagonist and as tragic the death was and I know it upset so many people I think they showed an incredible courage and yes people die and people make mistakes specialy in a world like tlou2 just like the ending of the tlou1 leaving you with this question was it right or wrong what Joel did and that's what makes this game different and one more thing when the movie joker was primiere some said oh my it is so dark and violent and it encourages violence and therefore it is not such a good movie violence is a part of human life as much as we don't like it and we need to show how it grows in human life rather than escape it and I believe all the things that happened in tlou2 story will pay off in part three and I hope I will be able to play tlou2. Thank you.

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Completed it last night. Took 28hrs 15mins according to the save file and I didn't explore absolutely everywhere. Excellent game!10/10 from me! Gonna play through again in New Game+ mode.

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@analgrin: How do you get it to show one save file lol. Mine keeps showing individual ones for the different characters and didn't join them up in time lol

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Edited By kuchiki-ness

SPOILERS: this is disappointing! why make me play with the assassins of the character we all loved in the first time, That's why last of us was a hit, because we fell in love with both characters and their interactions, How dare you to put me in the flesh of the one who killed him!!!! It's like, I'm gonna spit in your face you're gonna love it and even pay us to do so. Abby was excruciating to play, who cares about her and their friends? we have no background of them! we don't care for them and also 10 hours of gameplay will not make me care for them after what they did in the first place! this is so annoying, is like: game of thrones but even worse. I'm so impressed that this is a naughty dog game, it doesn't feel like, I mean, come on, you don't like cliches but uncharted 4 its super cliche and highest reviews. I'm not mad you killed HIM, it's the way you did it and how developed after, its broken! I just, the gameplay was good, the graphics are majestic, but I must admit I stoped enjoy it when you take Abby's control, and it's more action packaged than ellies, here Ellie was the bad one, Joel got what it deserved and Abby was the good one, really¡? no one single soul in the in the development team could say: what are we doing here?, then at the end leave again seek abby for nothing, omygoosh!

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@kuchiki-ness: "Abby was excruciating to play..."

In the beginning yes... But then it goes better and better...

"who cares about her and their friends"

I cared about Owen. One of the most human person in the game.

"10 hours of gameplay will not make me care for them after what they did in the first place!"

I thought the same... But things changed along the way...

"game of thrones but even worse"

No, not even close...

"its broken"

Clearly... one line of thoughts... not everyone thinks the same... on the contrary...

"here Ellie was the bad one, Joel got what it deserved and Abby was the good one, really¡?"

So much wrong... Ellie and Abby are the same, just living on the opposite sides of the barricade. Joel has a dark path, but his outcome is the result of love, love for Ellie. So in my eyes, and in this game, he is a victim.

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@blindbsnake: Yeah Owen was a doofus but harmless lol. I couldn't remember his name until you typed it. Is Alice his dog or Abby's though? . I thought he belonged to Owen yet others say she belonged to Abby.

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@deviltaz35: Owen while a flawed person as everyone else, is one of the few people who wanted to live in the bright side...

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@blindbsnake: so you are ok with the fact that joel found ellie he gets to die because he killed fireflies in the way, but abby found lev she kill wolfs and scars in the way but she lives? you pet alice the dog and ellie kills it, abby gets her revenge and gets away, ellies most fear, as she said in the first game to sam when he asked what she was afraid of, she says: end up alone! and she does mutilated by the way. You say they are the same?...

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@kuchiki-ness: Ellie doesn't learn from her mistakes. Abby does by taking care of Lev and even not wanting to fight Ellie at the end. Ellie instigates the fight until they are both so injured and exhausted in a flash of seeing Joel Ellie is drained of the revenge motivation. In reality considering how much water Abby ingested and her injuries she would have drowned lol. Likewise Ellie with that massive side injury would have bled out lol

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@kuchiki-ness: How do you know if a person understand this game or not:

"abby gets her revenge and gets away"

The major point is that no one gets away in their path of revenge. Both Ellie and Abby lose everything... except their lives...

"You say they are the same?"

Same coin, different sides... Both lose a loved one, both seek revenge, Abby kills Joel, Ellie kills Owen... Both lose everything in the way, and both let the other one live...

The major irony of the game is that you are playing the Abby that people hate about in the Ellie campaign, because all the hate that Ellie has to Abby is the same that Abby had to Joel...

Damn... I really like this game...

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yes, the game wants to show you that Abby, the person who killed Joel, is not much different from Joel and Ellie. that she also has other sides, friendships and a life she cares about.

the themes are very mature (though i'm NOT calling anyone who dislikes the game immature) and require a lot of empathy.

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Edited By chibistevo

I actually like how divisive this is, because it just screams that they took the risks and delivered for me.

I frickin loved the story for this game. It's not often I go to bed and wind up thinking all night about a game/movie, but this one had me this way. The last time I remember experiencing this was the movie Thoroughbreds, and Zero Time Dilemma, game wise.

This looks set to tank audience opinion wise, so it's a shame there may be reluctance to come back to the series. Either way, I'm fully happy with what they did here, and people getting their knickers in a twist over it won't stop me from saying so.

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@chibistevo: I have been like that on how to approach combat scenarios as often you don't have much ammo or ways to dispose of enemies. I've found by thinking about it once the game was switched off i was able to pretty easily despatch more enemies sneaking around instead. It takes a brilliant game to have you thinking about scenarios after you switch it off for the night.

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Edited By dmblum1799

There are only two games that I have seen get excellent reviews in both the New York Times and the Washington Post. Heck, there are only two games I have ever seen reviewed on the front pages of those two papers.

Those two games are the Last of Us 2 and Red Dead Redemption 2. It's no coincidence. These are both mature thoughtful, brilliant games.

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@dmblum1799: I am waiting to play Red Dead 2 on Xbox Series X with low controller latency . Hoping it is patched to support that console on top of that with 60 fps at least.

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@dmblum1799: Thank you. I also have and love both.

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