Spider-Man Review

This version of Spider-Man only barely manages to evoke the webslinger.

The Green Goblin's thugs are pacing around New York City! Purse-toting "hostages" are paralyzed with fear! As Spider-man, it's your heroic duty to save these motionless bystanders and provide cognitive-behavioral therapy for their anxiety-ridden captors. In other words, this is a relatively run-of-the-mill side-scrolling/swinging fighter.

As Spidey, you can kick, punch, webswing, and websling. The last of these abilities is of doubtful efficacy, as freezing foes with your websling also sometimes freezes your keypad. The other moves give Spider-man some decent opportunities for action, but the game's repetitive stages and lack-of-move variety will bore you. The final confrontation with the Green Goblin himself is a lackluster affair, requiring little strategizing and providing even less excitement.

Although imagining swinging on thread will always bring back the thrill of childhood, this version of Spider-Man only barely manages to evoke the webslinger.

The Good

  • N/A

The Bad

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