
Destiny: The Taken King Review

  • First Released Sep 9, 2014
  • PS4
Mike Mahardy on Google+

A New Monarchy.

The Taken King is more than just an expansion; it's also a heart transplant. And with its wounds sewn shut, the anesthetic wearing off, and the scalpels put away to dry, Destiny has pulled through the operation with renewed vigor and a much stronger pulse. Now, only a few scars remain.

Destiny's first year was a collage of peaks and valleys as Bungie released two expansions to its sci-fi multiplayer title. At its best, Destiny comprised a shooter with pristine controls and clever cooperative play. But at its worst, Destiny disrespected my time. To me, the first year of Destiny felt empty. Its gorgeous worlds held promise, but lacked much of a soul. I frequented those static environments because no matter how boring they might have felt, they contained the slim promise of better loot. I continued long past the point of actually having fun.

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Now Playing: Destiny: The Taken King - Video Review

Destiny's newest strikes are among its most creative.
Destiny's newest strikes are among its most creative.

But The Taken King changes things. Now, my time is better spent. Bungie revamped the Light, loot, and experience systems to be more accessible, and provide a more rewarding overall experience. Light is no longer tied to specific armor pieces, but just an average of your gear's overall value. Raising it is necessary for difficult missions, but when it comes to your rank, you can reach the level 40 cap through experience alone. And now that loot scales with your level, the promise of better gear is always on the horizon, encouraging constant improvement and rewarding results.

By decoupling Light and character level, Destiny allows you to play however you want, regardless of which missions you want to play, or how often you want to play them. In Destiny's first year, only certain events were worth pursuing for better gear. But now, much of the loot is out there, somewhere in the solar system, waiting for you to stumble upon it. You can fight through cooperative strikes, explore Mars, or turn in bounties for added experience. You can summon a plethora of challenging bosses in the Court of Oryx, a public event area teeming with Guardians in search of gear.

The Dreadnaught itself, an abandoned ship in the rings of Saturn, is full of secrets, hidden items, quest chains and more. It's an area worth exploring, and sets the stage for The Taken King's exceptional narrative.

Nathan Fillion's Cayde-6 delivers a phenomenal performance.
Nathan Fillion's Cayde-6 delivers a phenomenal performance.

The new story missions follow our Guardians in their fight against Oryx, the Hive king whose looming shadow has darkened things since we killed his son in The Dark Below expansion. These story missions are coherent, providing much needed context to the quests our Guardians embark upon. I always knew the mission objective, and always felt the pull of that final battle with The Taken King at the end of the road.

There's also more character here. The vanguard leaders are more than talking mannequins now, with personalities, motivations, and fears of their own. Nolan North delivers a stellar performance as your Ghost, but its Cayde-6, the Hunter leader, who stands out. Voiced by Nathan Fillion, his sarcasm and sardonic wit are just facades. They slowly give way to doubt and remorse when he learns of a friend's death. For the first time, Destiny transcends archetypes, and shows signs of humanity in its storytelling. It's ironic then, that Cayde-6 isn't human.

Fighting through these story missions is more varied than ever before. It's not just endless shooting at cookie cutter enemies. The Taken are ghostlike clones of Destiny's other enemy factions, which Oryx has absorbed into his own army, creating a force with a wide array of abilities and attacks. Fallen captains blind you, Cabal scions split into triplets, and Vex goblins shield their allies, forcing you to aim for one specific grunt at a time. Destiny's combat is more dynamic now, and more versatile than the skirmishes of its first year.

Strike bosses in The Taken King follow suit, and require teamwork and tactics to defeat. Among the best is The Restorative Mind. This Vex boss hidden in the depths of Venus is more than just a bullet sponge, and constant motion is the only way to lower its defenses. You'll need to drain its shield, protect your teammates, and fight through clusters of Vex in a ring-shaped arena. All of this is done on the AI's terms, though, as the boss rotates an impassable force field around the room, dictating the flow of combat and forcing snap decisions.

The Taken King transcends archetypes, and shows signs of humanity in its storytelling.

Bungie added even more variety to combat with the new subclasses, which change how I approach certain situations. Take my Hunter's Nightstalker option, for instance. By firing my bow into a cluster of enemies, I tether them together, marking a prime target for my Titan friend's Hammer of Sol, or the Warlock's chain lightning. It also makes every shot a critical hit, so using it at the right moment, on the right enemies, is part of the decision process. The subclasses don't just open new possibilities for character loadouts, but also encourage experimentation in cooperative matches.

The same rings true in the Crucible, Destiny's PvP arena. The subclasses aren't as balanced here--I reverted back to my Hunter's Golden Gun when the new subclass failed to produce--but they still alter the flow of combat on each new map. And these are among Bungie's best arenas, with varied sightlines and verticalities, offering hectic clash points amid the firefights. Once again, the developer has proven its prowess with multiplayer level design.

And when you've gathered enough powerful gear, equipped your best weapons, and tailored your subclass to cooperative perfection, there's the new raid. It's called King's Fall, and it's the most expansive in Destiny to date. It begins on a sour note, with ill-advised first-person platforming that appears farther in as well. But everything else gathers speed. The checkpoints all require careful teamwork, and the bosses are some of the most creative Bungie has ever designed.

Golgoroth is a prime example. On our tenth try, when muscle memory guided us through the fight's necessary tactics, this hulking ogre had a sliver of health left. We were almost through. And the moment before he died, when all six of us threw caution to the wind and unloaded everything we had, despite the Taken minions surrounding us--this is Destiny at its finest. Careful planning gave way to satisfying victory. And I don't want to spoil too much about the trek's latter stages, but its final boss, both in size and scope, is colossal. He's a fitting end to Destiny's most dynamic raid yet.

The Hunter's Nightstalker subclass creates useful tethers for cooperative situations.
The Hunter's Nightstalker subclass creates useful tethers for cooperative situations.

But despite all of the improvements to Destiny's systems, all of the new content in place with The Taken King, and all of the heart that's gone into its compelling storyline, remnants of Destiny's hollow past still endure.

After 16 hours with the expansion, the grind began. At first, I didn't mind. The Taken King excels by granting you gear through hard work rather than luck. But I played the same strikes five times over, day in and day out. I trudged through the Dreadnaught for hours on end. I completed similar bounties throughout the week, and didn't see many variations throughout 35 hours with The Taken King.

The king himself.
The king himself.

For a game that requires so much grinding, it still doesn't have the breadth of content to support the repetition required. The promise of better loot is the driving force, but the journey there is taxing. Quests are interesting only for a time, until they once again become long lists of cloying chores.

But The Taken King still deserves ample praise. It not only grants us new content, but reinvigorates a game that needed new life. In one of The Taken King's early story missions, you'll come across the remains of Destiny's first strike boss. He's right where you left him, surrounded by his own robotic innards, the life long gone from his dormant shell.

"Remember when Sepiks Prime was our biggest problem?" Ghost asks us. And like the Guardians who killed that boss, Destiny has since moved on. There are still traces of its mediocre first year, but it's now more vital, and more promising, and it has left much of its past behind.

Mike Mahardy on Google+
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The Good

  • Excellent story, with outstanding voice acting, characterization, and cutscenes
  • Varied enemies result in more dynamic combat
  • New progression systems create a consistently rewarding experience
  • Quest log contains numerous paths to follow between strikes and story content

The Bad

  • Game becomes repetitive after 15 hours, and not much variety to support the late-game grind
  • Many quests are still taxing, with chore lists and boring objectives to complete

About the Author

Mike's hunter reached level 40 within 15 minutes of starting The Taken King. 35 hours later, he's now at Light level 296.
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Stopped playing after house of wolves, and I'm glad I picked it back up. Man if it had this much story from the gate everyone would be on Bungie's schlong. It's a good rebound and should only get better from here.

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Edited By eduardocc

@Tiger_Ali: LAME fanboy, your avatar speaks better than you, die NIÑO RATA.

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@Tiger_Ali: says the guy with a destiny avatar.

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--the game has some of the best FPS mechanics ever developed(period)
--the story is 'told' HORRIBLY(but it can be mysteriously intriguing~and with a little 'studying' you can find the info)
--the RPG(and pve) elements are RIDICULOUSLY fun(and engaging)
--the gun and armor systems are top notch(DEEEP and heavily rewarding)
--the strikes are a FPS bullet sponge junkie's dream come true
--the raids are the most mind boggling co-op adventure you will have ever ridden on
--the MP(PVP)element of the game is right up there with COD
--the ENTIRE game can be played with friends

--im not sure why people hate this game
--it is a HUGE top quality 8/10 game(like has never been done)
--i think it is because destiny is 'different'
--bungie is doing things ALL F'N DIFFERENT
--and people do not like change

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@TheZeroPercent: please can stop copy/paste "the game has some of the best FPS mechanics" argument in every comment you do !? shut up moron.

and for you " im not sure why people hate this game ", let me say one thing, i get sick of this game for people like you who defends the game at all costs, f*ck you NIÑO RATA.

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@TheZeroPercent: No, p[eople hate on this beacuase of the horrifically priced DLC which is a must buy or you lose your ability within the game to be effective. All weapons from previous content are now defunct and you are left at light level 34 if you only spent £80 and haven't invested in the latest DLC.

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--i mean if you played early on
--did you not get your money's worth?
--if you didnt play early
--you can now get Destiny
--ep 1 & 2
--and TTK
--for like 60$
--that is A LOT of content for 60$

--if you bought the season pass last year
--you only paid 30$ for both expansions
--and TTK was available for 35$ to PS+ members
--it really isnt THAT much money imo
--am i saying this game is a 10/10?
--but griping about price is kinda silly

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@TheZeroPercent: I am from the UK. The initial game cost £45.00 and the two DLC's cost £35.00 for the season pass. That is £80.00 sterling which is about $120.00 US That is a lot of money and now, due to me not buying TTK I cannot play this game effectively. That is a lot of money for just one year of gaming unless you play only Destiny. I play multiple games and this means that I don't put in the hours that some do. That is not on from Activision and you know, as much as you try to skirt around it, that this is completely overpriced DLC. The more people like you accept this, the higher the cost of DLC will go. I can purchase a AAA title for less than the cost of this DLC, where is the thanks from Activision/Bungie for my allegiance?

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Edited By DrizztDark


It's Very trendy to hate destiny... I don't get it either and that's coming from somebody that hasn't even bought the new expansion pack yet. I was giving it a couple weeks so I can thoroughly read people's concerns about the game and what it does right but it's difficult scrolling through the mass amounts of pure hate for no apparent reason except the fact that it cost extra money to buy the game. Looks like I'll probably be picking it up though

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--the new content is SOLID imo
--it is still the same game it was
--so if you enjoyed destiny early on
--9 think it is worth revisiting
--many of my friends only paid 35$ for TTK digitally with PS+
--TOTALLY worth 35$ imo

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@DrizztDark: Trendy? Hell no. It's hipster to hate Destiny because that's what is mainstream right now. And people find the damnedest things to complain about too;

"no content" I can promise no one has finished this game right now. Every time I turn around there's another quest being shoved at me, it's almost the extreme opposite of last year.

"on disc locked content" Bullshit. The areas are there, unpopulated, not all art assets are there. Think this is new? Ha. Did you know those demo discs back the in PS1 days had full games on them, only in a beta form? Games of this nature, like MMOs change constantly and groundwork is put into it. Otherwise you'd bitch about massive downloads.

"being milked for money" You think these things run themselves for free? Could be a sub fee like some games do. The best part is when people complain about being milked and then turn around and bitch about not being caught up to other players. Oh the hilarity.

"no story" Not true. It's there, may not be top notch but at least its not some hackneyed done it a million times thing like WoW is. Ok so character #765 will go crazy and become a raid boss while we rez #345 to be a faction leader for rewards. Wait, you mean rez 765? Did we kill him last year? Oh yeah...

"immoral" Welcome to every big business in the world. You wanna be the high road and play nothing but indies, go for it. The game business is still 500 times less corrupt than Hollywood.

"too easy" this comes only from people who have not played this expansion. TTK will claw your damn eyes out. Go ahead and try finding a hiding spot to shoot from. I DARE you.

This game is not going to be for everyone. I accept that. But god, if all you have to do all day is paruse forums and shit on games you don't like I feel sorry for you. I like Destiny. I enjoyed this game since launch. I knew what it was going to become down the road, I saw the potential. Glad Bungie saw it too.

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@Tanares said:

@DrizztDark: Trendy? Hell no. It's hipster to hate Destiny because that's what is mainstream right now. And people find the damnedest things to complain about too;

"no content" I can promise no one has finished this game right now. Every time I turn around there's another quest being shoved at me, it's almost the extreme opposite of last year.

"on disc locked content" Bullshit. The areas are there, unpopulated, not all art assets are there. Think this is new? Ha. Did you know those demo discs back the in PS1 days had full games on them, only in a beta form? Games of this nature, like MMOs change constantly and groundwork is put into it. Otherwise you'd bitch about massive downloads.

"being milked for money" You think these things run themselves for free? Could be a sub fee like some games do. The best part is when people complain about being milked and then turn around and bitch about not being caught up to other players. Oh the hilarity.

"no story" Not true. It's there, may not be top notch but at least its not some hackneyed done it a million times thing like WoW is. Ok so character #765 will go crazy and become a raid boss while we rez #345 to be a faction leader for rewards. Wait, you mean rez 765? Did we kill him last year? Oh yeah...

"immoral" Welcome to every big business in the world. You wanna be the high road and play nothing but indies, go for it. The game business is still 500 times less corrupt than Hollywood.

"too easy" this comes only from people who have not played this expansion. TTK will claw your damn eyes out. Go ahead and try finding a hiding spot to shoot from. I DARE you.

This game is not going to be for everyone. I accept that. But god, if all you have to do all day is paruse forums and shit on games you don't like I feel sorry for you. I like Destiny. I enjoyed this game since launch. I knew what it was going to become down the road, I saw the potential. Glad Bungie saw it too.

Ladies & Gentlemen, Mindless self deception at its finest.

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@novaprime1985@Tanares: Exactly that. It's a shame the he can't see that he is as bad as these haters he is hating on.

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@gotrekfabian: Oh you can get off your high horse and f*** off, seriously, you've been on my s***-list ever since you have had the gall with your pathetic little threats to me in my inbox

A differing idea or fact that I may have more negative rebuttals rather than praisals to the game is not hating its having a f***ing opinion dude, I can play the damn game and still find things that I dont like and dont approve of & guess what, my cons on my personal Pros/Cons list still out weights the latter.

Had it not been at the behest from several friends of mine, I wouldnt have continued playing the game. but hey, im just a hater right? pffft. run along now child, speaking to you is irksome and tiring.

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Edited By gotrekfabian

@novaprime1985: Still the angry little man that can't see that it was you who started on the hatred and I merely told yiou where to get off or I would report you. GROW UP.

PS I am no child as I told you before.

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@gotrekfabian: Yea, You contacting me & stating that you would report me simply because you yourself got butthurt because we have disagreeing viewpoint on this game is practically THE definition of childish, you don't like the fact that Ill speak up and say what needs to be said about the game & you took it upon yourself to come at me like you're some sort of authoritative figure, so yes, grow the f*** up and hop off, because not once have you EVER replied to any of my comments with a coherent rebuttal, only with negativity that is tailored in similar fashion as your last comment is so "eloquently" worded out, you only ever come with replies as such and even with the BOLD accusation that i've never even played the game. so grow up kiddo, because this is starting getting old.

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Edited By gotrekfabian

@novaprime1985: What are you on about? I said nothing of hating on Destiny. I said that you are as bad as the haters by hating on them. You need to read and comprehend before giving any sort of comment. I have never attacked you, it is you who always attacks me. Just to clarify, even in your last retort, you are the one attacking me: 'butthurt', 'kiddo', 'childish'. Now where have I said anything negative to you other than you need to stop this or I would take it to higher authorities? Also, if you can't see this, or any of my conversations with you, as coherent then you need to open your eyes to the truth.

And yes, I have to agree, this is getting very old so stop with the hating and negativity already. I have never entered in to anything whereby I am using mere rants and angered riposte as a reason to communicate.

Once again, I am no child so stop referring to me as one.

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@novaprime1985: Ladies and gentlemen, my point proven. Just can't resist shitting on things you don't like can you?

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@Tanares: well considering I disagree with your points on:
"No Content"
"Disc Locked Content"
"Being Milked for the Money"
& lastly but most importantly "No Story"

all that you have is 1 thing that I agree with, 1 out 7 points? holy hell dude, YES I completely disagree with you! you did nothing but throw out nonsense

how much of this title was held back, cut up and sold at a differing price? far more than necessary, this ISNT a freaking expansion pack thats loaded with content. perfect example to that claim, StarCraft 2 & its 2 expansions, or D3 and how much RoS put into it? you cannot even come close to comparing the level of content between the 2.

And DLC (the 3rd point) there are farrrr to many areas that are cut off from the main world itself, it completely reeks of foul play that these areas are already there, that there pretty much is zero change from when they were discovered to when they were opened up to the public. if they wanted to polish the areas & its creeps further? fine, then they should have postponed the game for that very purpose, but to add a freaking $ figure to every little thing greedy capitalistic BS that is on par with the mentality of that freaking former Hedgefarm a-hole that skyrocketed the price for the cancer medication, thankfully its not that much, but this is still ludicrous in sooooooo many regards.

last thing imma say, is "No Story" its meh right now, and it isnt pulling me in, probably because of the bad taste year one left, sue me, you dont like the fact that I criticize your beloved game, oh well. thats all on you, not me.

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--the story is REALLY good(and interesting IMO)
--there is lore to be read~grimoire to be read(and if you pay CLOSE attention to the dialogue)
--but it just 'delivered' HORRIBLY
--it really is the game's main weakness
--the way they delivered most of the original story in background dialogue
--atleast now
--with TTK
--it is a MUCH better delivery system for the story

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@TheZeroPercent: People don`t like change? You talk like this is a sequel or something. I played the demo, thought it was boring as f****, did not go in it expecting anything, just the whole experience was underwhelming. I don`t like multiplayer games, I don`t like co-op games, I don`t like repetitive gameplay. The game is just not for me.

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Edited By TheZeroPercent

@aiat_gamer said:

@TheZeroPercent: I played the demo, thought it was boring as f****, did not go in it expecting anything, I don`t like multiplayer games, I don`t like co-op games, I don`t like repetitive gameplay. The game is just not for me.

--well i mean
--you do understand
--your 'taste' in videogames
--is not that of THE ENTIRE MAJORITY of gamers
--let us be honest(not to be rude)
--you kinda sound like a grumpy old man haha XP

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--and you
--sound like
--a robot

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@doonish said:


--and you

--sound like

--a robot


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@aiat_gamer: Then why say anything at all? We know you and many others dont like this game. WE GET THE POINT!

Now kindly go away.

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@jarobusa: you seem to be confused on what "comment" section means. This here is a comment, others are allowed to post replies and discuss. I am guessing you just turned 12 and this is your first time here, you have a lot to learn kid.

Also, who is "we"? Are you so desperate you are trying to gather allies?!

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--the age of the average gamer is 36
--the age of the average GS comment section user is probably even older than that
--what are the kids doing?
--they aint 'typing' on here haha

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@aiat_gamer: LOL I was 12 32 years ago buddy.

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Anyone here deciding to pick this up again?

I stopped playing a while ago, problem is my PS4 got stolen and i would have to start from scratch. Is it worth investing all that time again? I last played at Prison Of Elders because i thought that was awful.

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@donjuancorleone: Games like this never store info client side. Too easy to hack your own info and cheat.

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@donjuancorleone: Why woudl you have to start again? The info is stored on the server so all you would have to do is log in with your PS profile and you would be right back where you left off.

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@donjuancorleone: You also get a level boost if you buy The Taken King as well.

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mogan  Moderator

@donjuancorleone: Unless you replaced your PS4 with another system, you wont have to start from scratch, you'll only have to log back in.

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@donjuancorleone: Why would you need to start from scratch?! Doesn't the game store your stuff on the servers?

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@aiat_gamer: Yes it does store it in the 'cloud' For proof, download the android app.

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I have seriously enjoyed the new content. I'd say I'm around 25 hours or so and a light level of 281. The grind has been kind of fun because I know the reward at the end will be worth it. I have yet to do the raid (still helping my fireteam get their light levels up), but the quests, exploring, and the Court of Oryx has been really enjoyable. I have found TTK to be two parts. 1. The cutscene is story is enjoyable and provides context for all of the endgame content. 2. The endgame content is the story because you can handle it any way to that you see fit. The normal cutscene is just the prequel for the world you need to explore. It's teeming with new enemies, public events, and more to explore. This has me playing the game nonstop. I have really enjoyed my time with TTK so far and I look forward to sinking more time into my progress.

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Edited By tom_cat_01

I'm enjoying the Taken King a lot. Destiny has some of the best vistas I've ever seen in gaming. Standing on the Dreadnaught and staring out at the rings of Saturn littered with broken ships, or standing on Phobos and seeing Mars take up 80% of the sky are thrilling moments.

The story is also much, much better and deeper, too. I especially liked the Praedyth mission which calls back to the Vault of Glass Raid... this mission was the first time I've been moved by something in Destiny.

As for the price... I have no problem with it. Most games charge $20 for 3 hour story dlc *cough* Assassin's Creed *cough*, whereas the 8 maps, Raid, new strikes, hundreds of gear and weapons, new pvp modes, new locations, new missions, new story, new cutscenes, new subclasses etc. are definitely worth the price, I'd say :)

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If you followed the Lobby you'd see how addicted this guy is with this game. I know a review is someone's opinion but the credibility of this one is wayyy off. Take it with buckets of salt.

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Edited By spikepigeo

The energy bow concept is so stupid. If you could generate a contained energy field like that, why would you shape it and use it to pull back a bowstring instead of just launching it outright? Dumb scifi is dumb.

Just talent less writer/creator's attempt at cashing in on the "ranger/rogue" archetype seen in more popular fantasy RPG's. Doesn't fit in a future scifi world. Then again, Destiny's "story" and "lore" is all over the place.

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@spikepigeo: lolz

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Was there only 1 Strike Mission in the previous expansions?

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mogan  Moderator

@whatsazerg: There were two new strikes in The Dark Below (one was PS4 exclusive until now). There was one new strike in House of Wolves.

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people still play destiny?

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@justin1946394: Is this a serious question?

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@jarobusa: No, it was rhetoric. Learn the difference fella.

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@justin1946394: There was an article that says this DLC broke previous PS store download records and simultaneous online player records recently... so yeah.

I wonder how long people will continue with this "people still play this game" jokes..

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@andfx8:it seems curious, bungievision NEVER RELEASE SPECIFIC NUMBERS AND STATS, they only say "millions", of what !? of automatic destiny updates when console is turned off !? HA !

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@andfx8: as long as the game keeps being played.

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Edited By Mevrick

@andfx8: As long as people like you give them attention.
(Not trying to be toxic)

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Edited By SerOlmy


Not the DLC. That is A-B obfuscating what actually got downloaded to make it sound better than it really is. All they said once you got past the PR spin was "more people downloaded a mandatory patch the day it was released than ever before". Not more people bought the actual TTK DLC.

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