
Anthem Review - Two Halves

  • First Released Feb 15, 2019
  • PC
  • XONE

Stronger alone.

Launching upward off a jungle floor and bursting through a thick canopy of trees, bobbing and weaving your way under a waterfall as you take in the lush landscape below you, is one of the highlights of Anthem. Flight, in these moments, is freeing, serene and exhilarating all at once. But you will eventually have to come back down to earth. When you don't have a means to cool down in the air, you have to interrupt your flight to cool off on the ground--or else your suit will overheat and send you careening downward much more violently. This is what Anthem is like as a whole: a game where promising moments are bookended by frustration, where good ideas are undone before they can be fully realized.

It can take a while to warm up to Anthem in the first place. In its intro mission, you are a rookie Freelancer--a hero type who battles threats to humanity in mechanized combat suits called javelins. But that brief mission ends in failure, and after a two-year time skip, you're now an experienced Freelancer. As a result, everyone talks to you as if you know everything about the world, even though much of the game's space-fantasy jargon is explained only in codex entries. "Shapers," "Arcanists," to "silence" this or that "relic"--all the dialogue is structured as if you already know what all these things are, so there's not even an element of mystery to it. It's just hard to follow.

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The story and overall worldbuilding do a great disservice to the characters, which have elements of what you might think of as BioWare's pedigree. The main cast is well-acted and genuine, with complicated emotions and motivations that might have been interesting had they been given time to grow. Two characters are mad at you for the events of the tutorial, even though it's never quite clear why; that bad blood spills over into your relationship with your current partner-in-Freelancing, Owen, and there's enough believable awkwardness there to make you almost feel bad for him. But because the narrative is so poorly set up, the drama feels unearned, the "emotional" reveals robbed of their impact, and any connection you might have had to the characters just out of reach.

Exacerbating all of this is Anthem's loot game core, which is simple on paper. After every mission, you return to your base of operations, Fort Tarsis, to talk to people, get new missions, and tinker with your javelins using the loot you picked up from the previous mission. Missions themselves almost universally involve some quick narrative setup followed by flying, completing routine tasks, and plenty of combat (with more brief plot-related stuff thrown in via radio chatter).

But this general structure doesn't work well in practice. You're told up front that playing Anthem with others is the best way to play and that you'll get better rewards in a group, but this means asking your friends to be quiet every few minutes so you can hear a bit of dialogue or to wait patiently while you tweak your loadout. Playing solo is better if you want to take your time and talk to different characters, but doing so can make missions more difficult or tedious. Matchmaking with random people is the best option, since you'll have people with you for grindy parts but will leave you alone for the story--but even then, it's easy to lose track of what's going on, especially if someone in your team is ahead of you and triggering dialogue early.

And no matter what, you'll have to return to Fort Tarsis after each expedition, which makes for choppy pacing in both the story and the gameplay. There's no way to change your loadout on the go and no way to just continue on to another mission right away, and there are currently a number of loading screens in between leaving and returning to Fort Tarsis. It's hard to really get into any kind of flow.

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When I finally took the time to talk to NPCs in between missions, I found endearing characters and brief but interesting bits of story spread between them. There's one girl who just loves animals no matter how dangerous, and she'll happily tell you all about them; there's the oldest man in Fort Tarsis, who admits to doing some shady things to earn that title; there's an old woman whose daughter has been missing for years and might just need some kindness. Though it took some patience to do it, I was glad I stopped to listen to them.

Throughout all of this, combat is the main thing keeping Anthem afloat. There are four types of javelins--Ranger, Storm, Interceptor, and Colossus--that are essentially a soldier, mage, assassin, and tank, respectively. Each plays differently, with a different pool of abilities, and you aren't locked into the one you start with; you unlock them as you level up. That, combined with a handful of new weapons and abilities after each mission, means that you're almost always experimenting with new loadouts and playstyles.

I initially picked the Ranger, thinking it would be a good all-around class while I was learning the basics. But the guns alone aren't enough to make Anthem combat's exciting; I found a lot of the weapons, especially shotguns, to feel ineffectual. The Ranger's abilities are pretty straightforward, too--you get grenades and missiles and the like--which left me largely unimpressed with combat in the beginning. But then I unlocked the speedy Interceptor, whose gymnastic jumps and swift melee strikes are incredibly satisfying, and I started to get excited about trying new things in each successive mission.

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The Storm javelin became my favorite, though, because it both has interesting elemental abilities and can hover for minutes, not seconds, at a time before overheating. Its assortment of powers lends itself well to getting combos, which result in a satisfying explosion of sorts and a more chaotic battlefield. But more importantly, it's the only javelin that doesn't require frequent stops on the ground, and as a result it provides the most dynamic combat--you can go from shooting basic enemies in a hallway to floating above the battlefield, raining down lightning to wipe out five at once while scoping out the area for your team.

Generally, all of the javelins can easily jet out of sticky situations in a pinch or briefly hover in the air to gain the upper hand, and combining movement with your abilities is consistently a good time. But when fighting titans and certain other bosses, there's a catch; a lot of them use fire attacks that overheat your suit and ground you instantly, robbing the fight of much of what makes combat interesting. You can still use your abilities, but they don't do much in these fights, and they fall flat compared to the often bombastic impact they have on regular enemies. This extends to the final fight, which is especially underwhelming.

The endgame thus far is to complete high numbers of the various mission types, which amounts to repeating many individual missions. The draw is better gear, but without compelling high-level fights, you don't have anything to build toward with all that grinding. A post-credits cutscene has the most intriguing plot point in the game and serves as a preview of what might come later on--but right now it's just a promise, rather than a true incentive to keep going.

It's worth noting that the early access period saw a number of technical hiccups. Dropped audio, server issues, long loading times, missions not registering as complete--I didn't have a single session without some sort of problem. A day-one patch aims to iron much of this out, but overall, the poor structure and pacing are a more frustrating problem. [Editor's note: We have now tried Anthem on PS4 Pro, Xbox One, and Xbox One X. The Pro and X versions generally run decently, with some technical hiccups and occasional frame rate drops, while we encountered more stuttering and strain on the standard Xbox One.]

Anthem has good ideas, but it struggles significantly with the execution. It's a co-op game that works best with no one talking; it buries genuinely interesting character moments and puts its most incomprehensible story bits at the forefront; its combat is exciting until you get to the boss fights and find your wings have been clipped. Even the simple, exhilarating act of flying is frequently interrupted by the limitations of your javelin, and you never quite shake that feeling of disappointment--of knowing, throughout the good parts of Anthem, that you'll inevitably come crashing back down.

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The Good

  • Flying is exhilarating, and the views are beautiful
  • Experimenting with new loadouts each mission keeps combat fun and satisfying
  • Some side characters and their stories are endearing and interesting

The Bad

  • You're frequently forced to land or stay on the ground
  • The main story is incredibly difficult to follow
  • Playing with others causes pacing issues, while playing solo can be tedious
  • Boss fights are underwhelming and lack the excitement found in other combat situations

About the Author

Kallie played Anthem for 27 hours during the Origin Access Premier pre-release period on PC. She also played for a few hours on a PS4 Pro, with Xbox One and Xbox One X testing by other GameSpot staff. Review code was provided by EA.
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Edited By Xristophoros

RIP bioware. ea will not hesitate to shut you down with two duds in a row....

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@Xristophoros: yeah sorry but it's the EA influence which makes this suck, trying to make and RPG studio make multiplayer microtransaction focused games is insane. They have clearly learned nothing.

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Uhhh, how about not being rewarded for completing missions with allies...EVER. There’s load screens for load screens... Oh and when you die and respawn... there’s another load screen as punishment to make it feel like you got knocked off. This game actually makes me excited for Destiny 3 which is REALLY REALLY sad to say.

BioWare needs to leave EA like Bungie did Activision OR if it’s too late for that...just SHUTDOWN. The game is INCOMPLETE! (What a surprise)

I truly feel bad for everyone who is super excited for Anthem and those also thinking this is going to be Destiny’s competition (which I thought it would be during the Beta). Then you realize you’ve been shorted the “quantity” of what makes an RPG “in-depth” to ones own custom character.

I haven’t seen ONE armor drop since I started. The Looting SUCKS, crafting is piss poor shallow, you don’t get rewarded back at base...and there’s only 3 component variations for each far. And the two stores you can go to are exactly the same and unless you really grind, you have to buy EA currency. LITERALLY they sell the same shit at both stores so it’s pointless. I’m level 15/30 and I’m hard pressed to continue after EA Access.

You want to look unique? You’ve got to buy your gear from EA. You want to feel unique? No one will truly care. Unless the end game changes the This game has already lost me.

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There's something about this game that i feel will be special, maybe its not there now, but I am willing to give it a chance and see what comes in the coming months

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Edited By Ice-Cube

So are the days gone of voiced video reviews?? This video review was terrible. I like hearing someone's thoughts and input about the game and what it features. I really hope this isn't the direction Gamespot is heading.

Video was literally under 2mins and barely showed anything, besides adding text for you to read over the gameplay...

Worst review i've seen, even reading it didn't do it justice. Wow Gamespot dropped the ball on this just as bad as EA has done for this game (or so i'm hearing).

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Way too generous ...

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Edited By Cashmoney007

My friend and I played the demo for a few hours, and we never went back to it. Anthem is nothing special. Where is the sense of danger? Why is the flying not better? Where are the cool missions? Why does the game have so many loading screens? If I ever thought about buying Anthem, it would be for a cheap price. I never got the feeling that the game was very interesting.

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Eliminates Any developer.

Exploits All players.

Evades Accepting the responsibility.

Evil Abomination.

Eats A$$.

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Hard to be surprised when you have a game that does a crap job in copying most of the same looter/shooter aspects as a game released in 2014 (Destiny), with as many or more flaws.

No one wants to hear that it'll be better in a year or two either, when EA is asking for full price. Another epic fail for games as a service.

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Ha! Another crap online shooter bites the dust... or just bites period, they all do.

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All EA has now is Apex and sports.

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If EA continues to be EA, then RIP Bioware. I hope they start looking for new jobs soon.

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@lostn: That's not a nice thing to say.

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@proceeder: He's not saying he hopes they lose their jobs. He's saying they should start looking for jobs because Bioware might get shutdown.

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Edited By Xiomata

@lostn: the old Bioware is long gone, a name doesn’t make a gamestudio

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What the hell kind of a video review was that? Please telll me this isn’t a new thing moving forward gamespot

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mogan  Moderator  Online

@Dilandau88: Watch to the end.

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To be honest, 6 is quite high. If you watched the detailed review of this game from skillup on YT, you would know that it wouldn’t be any higher than a flat 4.

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This "review" sounds like it comes from someone that hasn't played it past a couple hours and/or got second hand and third hand info from people that play pubg and are mad because anthem isn't like that or like fortnite.

After looking over your review I was pulled back to one line, and I quote "Two characters are mad at you for the events of the tutorial, even though it's never quite clear why;" endquote.

This explains in its entirety why reviews by gamespot are unreliable. for those that are advanced far along in the story line and multitude of sidemissions due to convos popping up. they will understand, those that have had the conversations that are abundant and explain in detail what happened and why. Not just the cortex info.

What I see in nearly all reviews by gamespot, youtubers/influencers and other gamerags are speed runners that want a shooter with no story and are upset that the story isn't hand fed to you or it burdens your "want to just shoot and leave" attitude.

I can tell by the gamespot review that you did nothing but fly around a bit and experiment with various suits and blew off exploration, the story, and the important conversations that expand the fort and bring the folks there to life and will reference you to others for upcoming dlc's.

Tell me gamespot, how many side missions did you get from random conversations? The convo icons, not agent or mission or main quest icons that appear. I have gotten a ton, and a few nice items in return.

I despise EA as much as the next gamer, but EA didn't make this game. I give this game a weak 7, but a seven it is. It has some small issues with quality of life and that weak blasted flashlight but those will be fixed before the second launch. Its nice to play a game that looks good, plays very well, and has a great story........if you take the time to read and listen, which it seems many of you cant take the time to do like nearly all the reviewers.

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@realityone: 27 hrs of gameplay, it reads so in the intro.

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Edited By siarhei

@realityone: After your comment I was expecting an 8 at least from you but all that because they gave it 6 instead of "weak" 7? Come on.

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@siarhei: they should edit it to say 'TLDR the number doesn't match my number for game'

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So going by Gamespot and IGN there is absolutely nothing worth playing outside of a another free to play game. Glad i dragged out the 360 on the weekend then.

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Saw this coming a mile away, i feel bad for my buddies who cant be convinced that this is hot garbage.

*as a side note, not a fan of the new video reviews, feels lazy and completely negates the point of a video review: taking a written review and condensing it to just the essential pts via audio commentary while providing interesting and relevant gameplay video to support the commentary.

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This is really shocking i was expecting crackdown 3 to be average but not this game. Gamespot is in a row because according to them every game has been a disappointment so far, Crackdown, anthem, Far cry and the only one that barely manage to crack at least 8.0 was Metro Exodus

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@doomsdayhell01: I have played all these games bar crackdown 3 and the reviews are on point, far cry being the worst I personally would have given it a 4 for the sheer laziness. Anthem yep 6. Metro exodus is great, the only game worth playing out of the lot. Bethesda could learn from the post apocalyptic atmosphere in metro.

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Edited By DEVILTAZ35

@doomsdayhell01: It's just garbage both Gamespot and IGN are just clickbait sites now. Metro especially is a 9.5 . The very few extremely minor issues it has are likely going to be patched . Crackdown 3 is a an easy 7-7.5 . Anthem probably should have been at least a 7 even though it wasn't really something i'd play much of (Can't stand Destiny either) . but surely over promoting nonsense free to play games with scores of 9's where they don't even need to be reviewed at all other than cosmetic upgrades that cost money etc is rather silly .

Farcry New Dawn is a budget offering that continues a story most people loved and introduces new mechanics as well to an extent as well as gameplay changes so that really should be a 7.5 to 8 as well.

The state of review sites has gotten worse in 2019 compared to even 2018.

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@deviltaz35: Or maybe you just have lower standards.

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@Arkhalipso: Exactly.

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Edited By BluFalconUltra

@deviltaz35: No, that is your opinion. All of those games are mediocre minus Metro, which has the highest Metacritic at an 80. Far Cry New Dawn is not a complete game just like Anthem and both are priced at $60.

New Dawn is a waste of time and money which its just a cash grab. Anthem is an incomplete generic online shooter which is justca cash crab.

Crackdown 3 is outdated and mediocre with nothing interesting enough for anyone who is not an Xbox One only gamer to care about and its also limited but costs $60.

You need to except the facts. I am glad reviewers are finally being honest as certain games have been overrated in the past. You should be mad at companies releasing garbage instead of attacking reviewers.

You may enjoy crappy games but the rest of us do not.

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@blufalconultra: Speaking of "facts", Far Cry New Dawn is $40, not $60 like you claim.

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@aross2004: Its still garbage but thanks for the correction.

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@deviltaz35: i assume you have played all of those games?

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Edited By gweldon

Anthem does have a good game mechanic, beautiful (but downgraded) world and can be fun at first few hours. on the other side, the story they "promised" is bland and forgettable, loading screen galore and the UI/UX is horrendous.

But the most glaring problem with Anthem is it's mission structure and repetitiveness. I mean most of the missions are designed the same flow, with slight variation, so the repetitiveness feeling creep in so much faster. and maybe I'm burnt out from playing warframe, destiny and diablo so much, I just don't get that excited as I thought I would be when I got a good loot drop

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At this rate, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if Dragon Age ends up being a looter/shooter.

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@brazzo09: Dragon Age: Inquisition felt like a single player MMO with soul crushing bland fetch quests prevalent throughout --- so that wouldn't surprise me. It at least had some compelling character development but was dragged through the mud with padding.

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@thevacinstaller: Yeah it was pretty but so boring to actually play.

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@brazzo09: probably not. but I will expect the story in it to be on par with andromeda or anthem

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Destiny is better

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Is it safe to say this is BioWare's nail in the coffin? Did anyone expect this to be rated more highly?

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@DocMARs:Definitely not, it will only make people more starved for the likes of Dragon Age or the return to glory of Mass Effect. Games like this isn't BioWare's strength, they are a story first, gameplay second studio. Trying to build a game dependent on gameplay, they forgot to play to their strength.

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Edited By DoomsdayHell01

@DocMARs: I did and i'm sure many people also did. All the hype and all those cool looking flying mechanics that with been seeing in video for a while now. People were expecting a hit with this game and at least according to gamespot this is a miss not a hit

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And pretty much as expected. This game has a lot of promise; but I honestly don't think BioWare is going to be able to fulfill any of it. That might be because they can't; or simply because EA, as they are wont to do, will not allow them to; writing off the game early as they have done so many times in the past.

I played both of this game's demos and about 15 hours of the early access. I actually quit paying the early access when the story forced me to do what amounts to an achievement grind to progress. That was just the peak of my frustration in an already very frustrating experience. I went back to playing for a couple more hours just to confirm some things; but nothing has really changed for me.


Great shooting and flying mechanic. The combat in this game is fantastic and could have been an excellent base to build on. Too bad the other aspects of the game play brings the whole experience crashing down... But what can you expect from what amounts to another EA rush job.

On a high-end computer; this game looks fantastic. Again; this aspect of the game is marred by ridiculously long load times (I have an SSD; an EVO 860 for those who like to point out that having an SSD will solve this; it doesn't), and hard drops in frame rates with lots of random stuttering. But the biggest let down graphically is that there only seem to be a very limited selection of environments; the 'open' world is basically a variation of two to be exact. After a few hours playing; I got sick of the sameness.


This would be a very long list if I don't condense it; so I'll just mention my two main pet peeves with this game.

The story is absolute garbage. The missions are tedious and repetitive; you're basically doing either an item collection or a defense mission; and there is no variety in them except for location and item you're getting or defending. It's the same go here and grab/defend these, fight enemy wave that pops up; rinse repeat. And the way the story forces you into ridiculous situations like the before mentioned achievement grind just ended up making this an unbearable experience for me. I'm not even going into atrocious way the game handles story and parties either; arrrghhh!!!

The game is supposed to be an open world multiplayer game that encourages exploration and team play; but it does a really good job of pigeonholing you instead. Playing with a group of friends can get very frustrating because of how the game is designed. And if you want to play by yourself; well, get ready for even more frustration.


5/10. It is very difficult to fix a turd; and like Andromeda; this is another turd. Considering that this was supposed to be the flagship game that they were stripping resources from other games to make; this is simply unacceptable. If EA would allow it; this game might be good in a couple of years of fine tuning. I just don't see that happening with EA's track record though; so RIP BioWare.

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xantufrog  Moderator

Well, I kind of saw this with the reveal. Definitely not a competitor for the hordes of games I have lined up to play

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Edited By SParent180

@xantufrog: That's an issue for Anthem and other games coming out right now. There's a lot of games to play, some of which you don't need to spend any money to enjoy (Fortnite, Apex). By the sounds of it Anthem has one too many flaws to warrant purchasing or even spend time on.

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The video review for this game is the laziest video review I have ever seen from this site. Why is there no narrator? I mean, come on, that is embarrassing. Please tell me that this will not mark future trends for video reviews here at Gamespot because this is a new low.

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@muddrox: It's also a "quick review". At the end of the vid it says to stay tuned for the extended review. This might be the way they are handling evolving multiplayer games like these.

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@scatterbrain007: Whoops, it appears I was too quick to criticize. Thanks for pointing that out.

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@muddrox: You’re the only one watching video reviews. Most people on here prefer to read their reviews.

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Edited By Muddrox

@justthetip: You are definitely wrong. Youtube would not exist if most people would rather read everything that was posted on the web.

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@justthetip: i Watch them all the time and i rather watch than read

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