
Anthem Review - Two Halves

  • First Released Feb 15, 2019
  • PC
  • XONE

Stronger alone.

Launching upward off a jungle floor and bursting through a thick canopy of trees, bobbing and weaving your way under a waterfall as you take in the lush landscape below you, is one of the highlights of Anthem. Flight, in these moments, is freeing, serene and exhilarating all at once. But you will eventually have to come back down to earth. When you don't have a means to cool down in the air, you have to interrupt your flight to cool off on the ground--or else your suit will overheat and send you careening downward much more violently. This is what Anthem is like as a whole: a game where promising moments are bookended by frustration, where good ideas are undone before they can be fully realized.

It can take a while to warm up to Anthem in the first place. In its intro mission, you are a rookie Freelancer--a hero type who battles threats to humanity in mechanized combat suits called javelins. But that brief mission ends in failure, and after a two-year time skip, you're now an experienced Freelancer. As a result, everyone talks to you as if you know everything about the world, even though much of the game's space-fantasy jargon is explained only in codex entries. "Shapers," "Arcanists," to "silence" this or that "relic"--all the dialogue is structured as if you already know what all these things are, so there's not even an element of mystery to it. It's just hard to follow.

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The story and overall worldbuilding do a great disservice to the characters, which have elements of what you might think of as BioWare's pedigree. The main cast is well-acted and genuine, with complicated emotions and motivations that might have been interesting had they been given time to grow. Two characters are mad at you for the events of the tutorial, even though it's never quite clear why; that bad blood spills over into your relationship with your current partner-in-Freelancing, Owen, and there's enough believable awkwardness there to make you almost feel bad for him. But because the narrative is so poorly set up, the drama feels unearned, the "emotional" reveals robbed of their impact, and any connection you might have had to the characters just out of reach.

Exacerbating all of this is Anthem's loot game core, which is simple on paper. After every mission, you return to your base of operations, Fort Tarsis, to talk to people, get new missions, and tinker with your javelins using the loot you picked up from the previous mission. Missions themselves almost universally involve some quick narrative setup followed by flying, completing routine tasks, and plenty of combat (with more brief plot-related stuff thrown in via radio chatter).

But this general structure doesn't work well in practice. You're told up front that playing Anthem with others is the best way to play and that you'll get better rewards in a group, but this means asking your friends to be quiet every few minutes so you can hear a bit of dialogue or to wait patiently while you tweak your loadout. Playing solo is better if you want to take your time and talk to different characters, but doing so can make missions more difficult or tedious. Matchmaking with random people is the best option, since you'll have people with you for grindy parts but will leave you alone for the story--but even then, it's easy to lose track of what's going on, especially if someone in your team is ahead of you and triggering dialogue early.

And no matter what, you'll have to return to Fort Tarsis after each expedition, which makes for choppy pacing in both the story and the gameplay. There's no way to change your loadout on the go and no way to just continue on to another mission right away, and there are currently a number of loading screens in between leaving and returning to Fort Tarsis. It's hard to really get into any kind of flow.

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When I finally took the time to talk to NPCs in between missions, I found endearing characters and brief but interesting bits of story spread between them. There's one girl who just loves animals no matter how dangerous, and she'll happily tell you all about them; there's the oldest man in Fort Tarsis, who admits to doing some shady things to earn that title; there's an old woman whose daughter has been missing for years and might just need some kindness. Though it took some patience to do it, I was glad I stopped to listen to them.

Throughout all of this, combat is the main thing keeping Anthem afloat. There are four types of javelins--Ranger, Storm, Interceptor, and Colossus--that are essentially a soldier, mage, assassin, and tank, respectively. Each plays differently, with a different pool of abilities, and you aren't locked into the one you start with; you unlock them as you level up. That, combined with a handful of new weapons and abilities after each mission, means that you're almost always experimenting with new loadouts and playstyles.

I initially picked the Ranger, thinking it would be a good all-around class while I was learning the basics. But the guns alone aren't enough to make Anthem combat's exciting; I found a lot of the weapons, especially shotguns, to feel ineffectual. The Ranger's abilities are pretty straightforward, too--you get grenades and missiles and the like--which left me largely unimpressed with combat in the beginning. But then I unlocked the speedy Interceptor, whose gymnastic jumps and swift melee strikes are incredibly satisfying, and I started to get excited about trying new things in each successive mission.

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The Storm javelin became my favorite, though, because it both has interesting elemental abilities and can hover for minutes, not seconds, at a time before overheating. Its assortment of powers lends itself well to getting combos, which result in a satisfying explosion of sorts and a more chaotic battlefield. But more importantly, it's the only javelin that doesn't require frequent stops on the ground, and as a result it provides the most dynamic combat--you can go from shooting basic enemies in a hallway to floating above the battlefield, raining down lightning to wipe out five at once while scoping out the area for your team.

Generally, all of the javelins can easily jet out of sticky situations in a pinch or briefly hover in the air to gain the upper hand, and combining movement with your abilities is consistently a good time. But when fighting titans and certain other bosses, there's a catch; a lot of them use fire attacks that overheat your suit and ground you instantly, robbing the fight of much of what makes combat interesting. You can still use your abilities, but they don't do much in these fights, and they fall flat compared to the often bombastic impact they have on regular enemies. This extends to the final fight, which is especially underwhelming.

The endgame thus far is to complete high numbers of the various mission types, which amounts to repeating many individual missions. The draw is better gear, but without compelling high-level fights, you don't have anything to build toward with all that grinding. A post-credits cutscene has the most intriguing plot point in the game and serves as a preview of what might come later on--but right now it's just a promise, rather than a true incentive to keep going.

It's worth noting that the early access period saw a number of technical hiccups. Dropped audio, server issues, long loading times, missions not registering as complete--I didn't have a single session without some sort of problem. A day-one patch aims to iron much of this out, but overall, the poor structure and pacing are a more frustrating problem. [Editor's note: We have now tried Anthem on PS4 Pro, Xbox One, and Xbox One X. The Pro and X versions generally run decently, with some technical hiccups and occasional frame rate drops, while we encountered more stuttering and strain on the standard Xbox One.]

Anthem has good ideas, but it struggles significantly with the execution. It's a co-op game that works best with no one talking; it buries genuinely interesting character moments and puts its most incomprehensible story bits at the forefront; its combat is exciting until you get to the boss fights and find your wings have been clipped. Even the simple, exhilarating act of flying is frequently interrupted by the limitations of your javelin, and you never quite shake that feeling of disappointment--of knowing, throughout the good parts of Anthem, that you'll inevitably come crashing back down.

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The Good

  • Flying is exhilarating, and the views are beautiful
  • Experimenting with new loadouts each mission keeps combat fun and satisfying
  • Some side characters and their stories are endearing and interesting

The Bad

  • You're frequently forced to land or stay on the ground
  • The main story is incredibly difficult to follow
  • Playing with others causes pacing issues, while playing solo can be tedious
  • Boss fights are underwhelming and lack the excitement found in other combat situations

About the Author

Kallie played Anthem for 27 hours during the Origin Access Premier pre-release period on PC. She also played for a few hours on a PS4 Pro, with Xbox One and Xbox One X testing by other GameSpot staff. Review code was provided by EA.
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Edited By itchyflop

Why dont EA listen?

Are they appealing to i dunno a younger audience who will buy this?

I know this will sell in the millions and we all know its bad, who is buying these TITLES for EA to keep making these horrific decisions aka loot box and BF2 which again looks simply stunning and had some shocking controversy spoiling everything.

I know why and profit with money being chiefly the goal, however they must care what we're all saying?

This could have been so much more, i hope they address it further down the path and make it how it should have been and looks.

Who at EA passes this shit ?

I was really looking forward to this, major let down again from EA.

EDIT : how has this won 90+ awards ?

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@itchyflop: I think EA will dump it as soon as they realize Apex in their new cash cow. I doubt even the die hard will hang on long enough for this to earn the gazzilion dollars EA wants and thus I doubt it sees even half the promised DLC.

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Edited By itchyflop

@theothersider: yeah exactly.

Apex is great and with the copycatting of the other royal style games like you've said the cash will flow in.

Unfortunately i dont see what EA were thinking with this release after Apex and even with the state its been released, broken and boring, especially with the "leaned" to playing with other players not marrying very well at all, infact your directly competing instead of "together" most of the time for the grind.

IF its better later with patch's and dlc i will pick it up, and its been proven that can happen with the likes of Destiny and no mans sky (which i did pick up later).


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@itchyflop: I hav;t tried Apex, not a competitive multi player sorta person. I think what EA was thinking was " Holy Sh&T our stock has imploded and we need to start throwing things against the wall and see what sticks. " Apex will likely single handedly right the ship so to speak " Like 30 million people are now playing it "

I don't want Anthem to fail and if they get on top of it I will be willing to pick it up down the road. I waited 2 years for The Division and it was great after it was fixed and polished and loaded with content. I just wonder if EA will give Bioware that kinda time.

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Edited By itchyflop

@theothersider: you know im just returning to the division to finish it before the second arrives, i was enjoying it, i had children shortly after which kinda limited my gaming time for a while, so yes agreed.

Anthem has potential, it looks great for a start.

Im hoping its given the patch's etc it needs, EA listen, i know how controversial the destiny topic is, and most wont agree with me when i say i really enjoyed that with the "LOVE" that received after, the only gripe i had is i found it a little easy.

It was just dissapointing when Anthem looked so good and it arrived with mundane game plots and the multiplayer "work together" doesn't really work.

Iv said it before, dark void on ps3 had similar traits with single player more leaned on, but was still a blast to play in the air as Anthem is.

Fingers crossed aye :)

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I started the demo maybe played about 30 min hated it and deleted it.

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mogan  Moderator

@xdarkrocker: You might give it a rent, if that’s an option. The demo was really bad, but the launch game runs, looks, and plays much better.

I don’t know why they thought that demo was a good idea, because the actual game is significantly better.

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@Mogan: No it isn't. I am playing through the latest patch right now and it is still one gigantic hunk of contentless garbage, but aside from that, the UI/UX menu system is attrocious, load times are still horrible, and while gunplay is standard, loadouts are good, it doesn't matter when you are repeating the same boring drivel of 21 missions over and over again to increasing bullet sponges with ZERO creativity in boss mechanics. Good thing is no one has to pay full price for this to find out. Xbox One X of PC - $5.99 and cancel after for a 10 hour trial and go see for yourself.

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mogan  Moderator

@Utnayan: I did play the ten hour trial, that’s how I know it’s way better than the demo.

I’m not saying Anthem is good, I’m saying the OP will get a better judgement off a rental of the final game because the demo was, for whatever reason, a significantly worse version.

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@Mogan: Ok I understand what you are saying. For me, the demo was a -100. The early access period was a -90. Post Patch it's -87. The problem here is content is sparce, loading screens are everywhere, and it's a shell of a game. If this is going to be "Games as a service" (Sea of Thieves, Crackdown 3, and Anthem come to mind) then they shouldn't be even trying to sell them at a full retail price and keep them subscription only. Because that's all they are worth at this point and even that is pushing it.

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Edited By NSA_Protocol44

@Mogan: The people that judge the final game of the demo is a special kind of stupid LOL.

And yes it indeed has changed a lot since the demo.

PS: Mogan you playing Destiny 2 as of late?

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@nsa_protocol44: a demo is supposed to help you do that very thing though.....

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mogan  Moderator

@nsa_protocol44: I haven't played Destiny 2 in a couple weeks. I was hoping Anthem would be a nice break from Destiny for a while.

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Edited By stevo302

This sort of game was pretty much perfected in Borderlands 2. It grew stale not long after. Really baffled as to why people rallied round Destiny, and were even suckered into Destiny 2. How on earth EA didn't realize they were way too late to the party with Anthem I'll never know.

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If you're gonna keep forcing multiplayer on us just so you can sell cosmetic items to vain people, this is what you get. Enjoy, EA.

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*Sips coffee* Yup... Well, back to Metro.

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@good_coop89: Metro: Exodus is an amazing game. Loving it so far. Wayyyy better than Anthem. Bought the stupid Origin Premier to play it as well and regret it. Bioware have offically been sucked in by EA's bs and it shows through and through. Anthem is NOT a true Bioware game in the least.

Things that suck: Loot. It's a looter shooter. Where is the freaking loot? There is, in all seriousness, NONE. No great gun drops. No great armor variants. Not even some cool tech. NOTHING. Map size: One map. That's it. Every area is regurgitated. No difference in areas. It is pretty though. I'll give them that. End mission rewards: Yeah, not happening here. Look elsewhere. Maybe Destiny has em. Boss variants: Again, not happening here. You will fight the exact same mini boss with the big shield over and over and over again. Oh, and the flying sniper dude with the blue armor. Yeah, he flies and you'll see him/her about 1000x. Cave troll things. Again, something you'll fight about 100x. As a mission. With no rewards.

If you're thinking about dipping into Anthem BECAUSE it is a Bioware game, well, you're going to be upset. This isn't our KOTOR or our Mass Effect for this new gen. The systems in place are inherently broken and built into the framework of the game. This isn't going to require a few patches. This is going to require a new game. Period. I was SURE that THIS game, Anthem, built from the ground up by Bioware was going to be the IT game we were all hoping for. After Mass Effect: Andromeda it surely was going to be BETTER. Right?

Sigh. I really am upset. The hype isn't real and it will be YEARS before we see if Bioware can rectify the situation with something better.

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Tested 27 hours... wow...

Why didnt you watch some gameplay on twitch while doing your fingernails and then write a review..

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@mari3k: isn’t the game only 30 hours long? Seems reasonable to me to get a feel for it in 27.

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@mari3k: Probably would have had more fun doing that than playing this piece of trash.

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Edited By xantufrog  Moderator

@mari3k: considering the game can be finished in about 20 hours, and basically everything in the game can be done in 30, seems reasonable to me, mr snarkypants.

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Edited By off3nc3

I had high expectations for this game , being a super Mass Effect Fan alongside Destiny I thought they could provide us with a solid game with solid endgame.

After playing the VIP demo and Open demo it was clear to me that this game would be barebones content wise and the forced MultiPlayer aspect of it didn't help either so I cancelled my pre-order and it seems I did it just in time.

Demanding Windows 10 to run the game and the 7 days early access with origin premier was so anti consumer that it left me even more dissapointed as I wanted to mainly play on the PC and had my PSN as a last alternative.

This review is more then fair but I would actually rate it a 5/10 due all these issues and more. Stick a fork in it and let them learn their lesson if Bioware won't actually be shutdown after this huge fail.

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@off3nc3: The fact that Origin Premier members were allowed to play the game starting on the 15th (as I started that day as well) and the game is NOT the full release at all. The "Day 1" patch has NOT been applied (it isn't going to fix $hit either) and Premier members were led to believe that it was the full actual release of the game. No. We are beta testers for EA.

The load screens. Good God almight. Convoluted menus each requiring a load screen sometimes, every misson a load screen, caves a load screen, end mission a load screen. Man, it SUCKS.

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@naomha1: I, like you, my friend, am one of those beta testers :(

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Ambitious take on an old concept but when that ambition comes at the price of constant loading screens you can count me right on out.

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These AAA offerings lately are just not very good. FCND, Crackdown 3 and now this, just to speak of lately. Before that we had Fallout 76.


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@briguyb13: But this game IS good. Don't let this review and the reviewers limited time with the game tell you otherwise - or the people that want to hate on EA because it's now become fashionable.

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@spike1980: If you're enjoying it, that's great, but I've seen, read and watched enough to know this game is very incomplete at this stage. It obviously needed more development time.

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@briguyb13: It's what happens when monetization is the starting point of the design.

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I really hope this video review format doesn't become a common thing on Gamespot. I hope it's only this game that didn't warrant a proper review cause showing a few text lines while random gameplay scenes are being shown in the background is not what I expect from a video review. That looked more like some clickbait video to post on your social media channels, while for the actual review you have to read the text below the video.

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- A lot of missions are over too quickly.
- You'll always feel rushed when playing with others.
- Combat can be fun sometimes.
- The female characters are hideously ugly and have no charisma like the beautiful women in Witcher.
- You'll be looking at a loading screen A LOT, even with a fast PC. Anytime you want to do anything, there's a loading screen, it's bad.
- Tarsis is uninteresting.
- The random NPC conversations go no where.
- No brothel, just a really crappy bar filled with ugly people.
- The characters look ugly in this game, very very ugly.

Buy this game when it's $5.00, like Battlefront 2.

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@skykettle: EA/Bioware can't make attractive females, they are SJW heroes.

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You know if people didn't buy crap on these monetized multiplayer games, maybe we wouldn't have all these crappy multiplayer games.

However, I would like to believe that the company that made Mass Effect (first 3) would have some self-respect. Answer? No.

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@dmblum1799: There doesn't seem to be much left of the company that made the ME trilogy. It is how it is. Bioware is dead and this game was clearly made only because EA wanted to have its own Destiny clone.

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It feels like this was going to be some add on dlc for mass effect andromeda but EA pushed them down the rebranding and monetization/online route.

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Disappointing to say the least but I’ve expected it to be honest and remember this is the PC review though being gamespot they won’t give out individual console reviews for a game. So the question begs, is £79.99 worth it? From the gamesradar review diary it’s a no from them too. For me it’s looking like a no but there will be loads who have pre ordered and tomorrow will be named Anthem day and they’ll be loads of people throwing sickies at work and then hrs laters wondering why. And to note for anyone asking, there are two prices for this game, obviously the higher with more added content but oh yeah you’ve guessed, THERE ARE EXTRA IN GAME OPTIONAL PURCHASES, which begs the question why charge us £79.99 when the highest price optional in game purchase will £99.99 as they always are. Games today. Oh dear. Enjoy Anthem day. I won’t be investing and it’s a no from me. Shame.

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Wow. This is really disappointing. They were going to do great things, but now it’s Destiny with jet packs.

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Edited By skykettle

@rxvitaminr: I have the game installed now, but literally have no desire to play it after 7 hours of gameplay, it's bad.

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Unfortunate, but expected. Felt the same myself.

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I feel like I'm the only person who played the demo and really liked it. Enough to pre-order actually. I think 6 is low personally. Also bear in mind this is an ongoing game of service, so it will only get patched and improved over time. Maybe it's not a day 1 buy, but in a month or two I think this will be excellent. I really enjoyed my time with it, despite a few bugs.

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@Dilandau88: so “ongoing live service” now equates to waiting years for a game to come out so you can wait even longer for the developers to fix it? While also paying full price?

No thank you.

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@Dilandau88: Do you always make up stuff to convince yourself that you made the right choice? Why don't you play the full game first and then judge whether the score is fitting or not? But with the argument that "it will get patched and improved over time" you can justify anything. I just hope you won't be disappointed when it turns out that that's not the case.

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@Atzenkiller: Are you really so naive to think that a live game of service won't improve over time? They live and die by just this alone. Pull your head out of the sand.

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@Dilandau88: it shouldn’t have to improve over time, it should be solid and stuffed with content from the get go. The stuff coming down the road should be extra, not what you should have gotten from the start.

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Ima be real with you Gamespot; this game deserves a lower score then just a 6/10.

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Wasn't this very expected? I see people surprised but I knew this outcome back when it was first announced. Everyone called it Destiny clone even then.

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@Iemander: Not really. But same as with Destiny, there seem to be quite a few people who enjoy shallow, grind, loot based coop games. And they are always trying to defend the game, same as with Destiny. But as I've seen quite a few times, even those guys eventually give up and recognize how bad and stale those games are.

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The game was crushed even before release and that seems to be the way things go these days. Anthem really didn't stand a chance in the toxic climate we operate in.

I say go the Respawn - Apex Legends route - don't promote anything, don't show anything, no marketing at all - just drop it on an unsuspecting gamer and see what happens.

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@ecurl143: That was a smart move from Respawn but a pretty crucial part of that is its free to play. When you don't have to put any money down it's a lot easier to try out something you've never heard of before.

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Cause that would pull the game out of mediocrity, lack of a true marketing budget.

A turd is a turd.

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