
Anthem Review - Two Halves

  • First Released Feb 15, 2019
  • PC
  • XONE

Stronger alone.

Launching upward off a jungle floor and bursting through a thick canopy of trees, bobbing and weaving your way under a waterfall as you take in the lush landscape below you, is one of the highlights of Anthem. Flight, in these moments, is freeing, serene and exhilarating all at once. But you will eventually have to come back down to earth. When you don't have a means to cool down in the air, you have to interrupt your flight to cool off on the ground--or else your suit will overheat and send you careening downward much more violently. This is what Anthem is like as a whole: a game where promising moments are bookended by frustration, where good ideas are undone before they can be fully realized.

It can take a while to warm up to Anthem in the first place. In its intro mission, you are a rookie Freelancer--a hero type who battles threats to humanity in mechanized combat suits called javelins. But that brief mission ends in failure, and after a two-year time skip, you're now an experienced Freelancer. As a result, everyone talks to you as if you know everything about the world, even though much of the game's space-fantasy jargon is explained only in codex entries. "Shapers," "Arcanists," to "silence" this or that "relic"--all the dialogue is structured as if you already know what all these things are, so there's not even an element of mystery to it. It's just hard to follow.

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The story and overall worldbuilding do a great disservice to the characters, which have elements of what you might think of as BioWare's pedigree. The main cast is well-acted and genuine, with complicated emotions and motivations that might have been interesting had they been given time to grow. Two characters are mad at you for the events of the tutorial, even though it's never quite clear why; that bad blood spills over into your relationship with your current partner-in-Freelancing, Owen, and there's enough believable awkwardness there to make you almost feel bad for him. But because the narrative is so poorly set up, the drama feels unearned, the "emotional" reveals robbed of their impact, and any connection you might have had to the characters just out of reach.

Exacerbating all of this is Anthem's loot game core, which is simple on paper. After every mission, you return to your base of operations, Fort Tarsis, to talk to people, get new missions, and tinker with your javelins using the loot you picked up from the previous mission. Missions themselves almost universally involve some quick narrative setup followed by flying, completing routine tasks, and plenty of combat (with more brief plot-related stuff thrown in via radio chatter).

But this general structure doesn't work well in practice. You're told up front that playing Anthem with others is the best way to play and that you'll get better rewards in a group, but this means asking your friends to be quiet every few minutes so you can hear a bit of dialogue or to wait patiently while you tweak your loadout. Playing solo is better if you want to take your time and talk to different characters, but doing so can make missions more difficult or tedious. Matchmaking with random people is the best option, since you'll have people with you for grindy parts but will leave you alone for the story--but even then, it's easy to lose track of what's going on, especially if someone in your team is ahead of you and triggering dialogue early.

And no matter what, you'll have to return to Fort Tarsis after each expedition, which makes for choppy pacing in both the story and the gameplay. There's no way to change your loadout on the go and no way to just continue on to another mission right away, and there are currently a number of loading screens in between leaving and returning to Fort Tarsis. It's hard to really get into any kind of flow.

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When I finally took the time to talk to NPCs in between missions, I found endearing characters and brief but interesting bits of story spread between them. There's one girl who just loves animals no matter how dangerous, and she'll happily tell you all about them; there's the oldest man in Fort Tarsis, who admits to doing some shady things to earn that title; there's an old woman whose daughter has been missing for years and might just need some kindness. Though it took some patience to do it, I was glad I stopped to listen to them.

Throughout all of this, combat is the main thing keeping Anthem afloat. There are four types of javelins--Ranger, Storm, Interceptor, and Colossus--that are essentially a soldier, mage, assassin, and tank, respectively. Each plays differently, with a different pool of abilities, and you aren't locked into the one you start with; you unlock them as you level up. That, combined with a handful of new weapons and abilities after each mission, means that you're almost always experimenting with new loadouts and playstyles.

I initially picked the Ranger, thinking it would be a good all-around class while I was learning the basics. But the guns alone aren't enough to make Anthem combat's exciting; I found a lot of the weapons, especially shotguns, to feel ineffectual. The Ranger's abilities are pretty straightforward, too--you get grenades and missiles and the like--which left me largely unimpressed with combat in the beginning. But then I unlocked the speedy Interceptor, whose gymnastic jumps and swift melee strikes are incredibly satisfying, and I started to get excited about trying new things in each successive mission.

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The Storm javelin became my favorite, though, because it both has interesting elemental abilities and can hover for minutes, not seconds, at a time before overheating. Its assortment of powers lends itself well to getting combos, which result in a satisfying explosion of sorts and a more chaotic battlefield. But more importantly, it's the only javelin that doesn't require frequent stops on the ground, and as a result it provides the most dynamic combat--you can go from shooting basic enemies in a hallway to floating above the battlefield, raining down lightning to wipe out five at once while scoping out the area for your team.

Generally, all of the javelins can easily jet out of sticky situations in a pinch or briefly hover in the air to gain the upper hand, and combining movement with your abilities is consistently a good time. But when fighting titans and certain other bosses, there's a catch; a lot of them use fire attacks that overheat your suit and ground you instantly, robbing the fight of much of what makes combat interesting. You can still use your abilities, but they don't do much in these fights, and they fall flat compared to the often bombastic impact they have on regular enemies. This extends to the final fight, which is especially underwhelming.

The endgame thus far is to complete high numbers of the various mission types, which amounts to repeating many individual missions. The draw is better gear, but without compelling high-level fights, you don't have anything to build toward with all that grinding. A post-credits cutscene has the most intriguing plot point in the game and serves as a preview of what might come later on--but right now it's just a promise, rather than a true incentive to keep going.

It's worth noting that the early access period saw a number of technical hiccups. Dropped audio, server issues, long loading times, missions not registering as complete--I didn't have a single session without some sort of problem. A day-one patch aims to iron much of this out, but overall, the poor structure and pacing are a more frustrating problem. [Editor's note: We have now tried Anthem on PS4 Pro, Xbox One, and Xbox One X. The Pro and X versions generally run decently, with some technical hiccups and occasional frame rate drops, while we encountered more stuttering and strain on the standard Xbox One.]

Anthem has good ideas, but it struggles significantly with the execution. It's a co-op game that works best with no one talking; it buries genuinely interesting character moments and puts its most incomprehensible story bits at the forefront; its combat is exciting until you get to the boss fights and find your wings have been clipped. Even the simple, exhilarating act of flying is frequently interrupted by the limitations of your javelin, and you never quite shake that feeling of disappointment--of knowing, throughout the good parts of Anthem, that you'll inevitably come crashing back down.

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The Good

  • Flying is exhilarating, and the views are beautiful
  • Experimenting with new loadouts each mission keeps combat fun and satisfying
  • Some side characters and their stories are endearing and interesting

The Bad

  • You're frequently forced to land or stay on the ground
  • The main story is incredibly difficult to follow
  • Playing with others causes pacing issues, while playing solo can be tedious
  • Boss fights are underwhelming and lack the excitement found in other combat situations

About the Author

Kallie played Anthem for 27 hours during the Origin Access Premier pre-release period on PC. She also played for a few hours on a PS4 Pro, with Xbox One and Xbox One X testing by other GameSpot staff. Review code was provided by EA.
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These devs need to be allowed to operate inefficiently again to really grow creatively. That’s why all the earlier gen games had so many great titles which were fun. This whole designing a game to hard schedule, reusing significant portions of code from other games, re-skinning models and’s proving to be bad practice for EA and their group of devs. They might be designing a game within budget on schedule, but are ending up with a mediocre game release that gets a 6. This is corporate gaming at best!

Also what’s with those quality problems? Wasn’t there any testing to shake out the bugs?

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Anyone who's even slightly kept track of EA/Bioware easily called this as sucking.

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Edited By Dualmask

Too bad. I like the idea of the game so I'll keep my eye on its progress, maybe it will grow into something decent over time. But it's not ready now.

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Anthem: 6, Far Cry New Dawn: 6, Crackdown 3: 5. This year started off great already.

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@murekkep: Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice likely to get 8. Days Gone might get 8 as well. Death Stranding could get 9. These are just speculations but I hope there won't be any more big budget flops in this year.

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OldDadGamer  Moderator

@lembu90: Did you just use "Death Stranding" and "this year" in the same comment without also using "no way?"

I hope, but dude....

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@lembu90: How are you guessing scores of games that arent even out?

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@Sound_Demon: pretty solid guesses if you ask me. Sekiro is a possible but unlikely 9, just from the previous titles though with too much of the same formula likely an 8. I feel like days gone is going to flop but since it's sony it should be at least a 7. Death stranding will get a 9 just because hideo kojima.

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@moviespot: No offense but what the **** are you guys high on? Sure 8 and 9 are very common scores but there's no "solid guesses" of scores for something that's yet to come. Sure 2 of the titles are around 2 months away and hands on gameplay impressions aren't really good material as it's too short to capture progression curves (more important for sekiro). We dont even know what Death Stranding gameplay looks like...

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@Sound_Demon: sorry, didn't realise we had to ask you before we guess a games score. Given majority of hideo kojimas games and from softwares games have received a score on average higher than an 8 one could assume that these games, given they are up to the same standard as the other ip's would be around the same mark. I would guess that but once again I forgot your ego doesn't like that.

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Edited By Sound_Demon

@moviespot: Kojimas next game after Death Stranding seems like a 7 at best but it's still really enjoyable.

It's not an issue of ego, it's an issue of how moronic it is to speculate the rating of a *game* when we don't know how the **** it *games*. Get your head out of your ass.

The new tool album sounds really good given we know the old ones generally sound cool too.

You're an utter moron.

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@Sound_Demon: isn't that why we're on video game sites? To speculate about up coming video games? I am anyway, I'm not here to tell strangers they're morons for guessing if an upcoming game is going to be any good. I'm just not that petty.

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No surprises here at all, It looked shallow all the way through development. Shocking downfall for Bioware, a couple of years ago I called them one of my favourite devs, EA helps nobody, they are a scourge to gaming especially holding so many top licences hostage.

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rushed game by the looks of it. EA just wanted a quick payday

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@Yams1980: But EA is usually so patient and methodically perfectionists.

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@salty101: so true, so true lol. those guys at EA are usually very conservative with their greed.

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@Metallicwolf29: It's why I occasionally play PS2/Gamecube games. Graphics and controls might be outdated but some great games I've skipped back in the day can still provide fresh experiences you can only dream of today.

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Best review on this game is made by SkillUp so far. Anyway, you know what, No man's sky needs to become an award, with this year's first nominee being Anthem.

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@PETERAKO: That review sucked, hard.

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@aross2004: in what regard?

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@tony56723: He's a prentious twat who just peddles to what youtube viewers want to hear and lets Sony fly him out so that he can come home and gush about a game because Sony already put him on a high from a free trip to Norway.

Yeah, totally trust worthy source right there. Youtubers are the most easily manipulated people I've ever seen.

They make money off the bad news and misery of hard working individuals. Just to please a bunch of children who feed off negativity.

No thanks.

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Edited By Tony56723

@Bread_or_Decide: so you don’t like him becuase Sony flew him out to see the critical darling God of War in person and he liked what he saw. Am I getting that right? Maybe if God of War had turned out to be a terrible game I’d have been upset over him gushing over it, but fact of the matter is it was an amazing game from start to finish and I can understand why he was so hyped for it.

Pretentious? Pretentious in what way? And how is he peddling to YouTube viewers? By calling a deeply flawed game out on its flaws?

“They make money off the bad news and misery of hard working individuals. Just to please a bunch of children who feed off negativity.” You’re taking this waaaaay to personally. And I’m sorry but when you put out an unfinished product while charging full price plus microtransactions you deserve all the negative press. Want the press to be kind to you? Put out a finished product that is worth buying.

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@PETERAKO: Don’t advertise for that pretentious jerk.

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@Bread_or_Decide: got any good counterpoints to anything Skill Up brought up?

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@Bread_or_Decide: By that logic we should leave youtube and stop following everyone. I have heard this for nearly every channel I am subscribed to, even when they are not a reviewer/pundid.

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Edited By Bread_or_Decide

@PETERAKO: Youtube is tabloid trash now. Sensationalists who regurgitate the news other people report.

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@Bread_or_Decide: ok well can you give any counter points to the issues he brought up in the review?

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Edited By Spike1980

This is a very unfair review IMHO. I can't put the game down and am loving it. This is also why I am now agreeing that reviews and review scores shouldn't determine your excitement or enjoyment of a game. I just feel the reviewer completely missed the point and is jumping on the EA hate bandwagon.

Also playing a game like this for 27 hours ONLY and releasing a review for it at this stage before it is even released is just ridiculous. Sorry.

First it was too much water and now it's too much land to walk on...

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Fedor  Online

@spike1980: What specifically do you feel this review got wrong?

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@spike1980: Funny how upset people get when you don’t fall in line for their hate brigade. Happened with me and metal gear survive. god forbid you make up your own mind.

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@Bread_or_Decide: Metal Gear Survive was a terrible asset flip/cash in game. Thing got planned for a reason. Now the thing to keep in mind is that I’m not saying someone couldn’t enjoy a game like that.

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@tony56723: But it's wrong when they misrepresent the game, only played 30 minutes, and blatantly lie about almost every element of the game in their review. Just for hate clicks from angry gamers foaming at the mouth to hate a company because some artsy millionaire got fired.

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@Bread_or_Decide: at what point was the game misrepresented? Seems the internet, critics and youtubers alike, are of a similar mind across the board and the gameplay they’re all showing backs up what they’re talking about. Are you implying that they’re all colluding together?

How can you prove these people only played 30 minutes of Anthem? Does it only take 30 minutes to get to the final boss? Does it only take 30 minutes of gameplay to start grinding out Masterwork weapons?

What elements of the game have they all blatantly lied about? I’m genuinely curious as to what you’re referring to because, as I said above, most of these reviews have gameplay to back up what they’re talking about.

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@Metallicwolf29: lol

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@spike1980: Stop defending this bad game. It's only 21 missions long and takes only 10 hours to beat.

The criticisms are justified, BioWare has fallen, EA is terrible. Let it go.

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@neurogia: I have the right to defend a game I enjoy. I'm in the perfect position to give my opinion having actually played the game for the last week and from the alpha. Unlike yourself.

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mogan  Moderator  Online

@spike1980: Except all you did was say, “No you’re wrong! Unfair!”

That might win you the presidency, but it’s not an effective argument.

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Edited By skippert

@spike1980: No one said that its not okay to like a unfinished piece of trash. I have several unfinished pieces of trash lying in a cardboard box somewhere that I played to death. Does not mean I do not realise / know what they are - namely a piece of trash. Just like this game is.

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@spike1980: Took that advise once, never ended well. Went back to review scores and have never bought a bad game since.

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@Random_Matt: That isn't fair.

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@Random_Matt: Then if you listen to this review you're missing out on a great game. People's minds were made up about this game before the game was even released and that isn't fair.

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Edited By TheOtherSider

@spike1980: My mind was made up when I sunk 10 hours into the demo and realized that, THAT was all it was ever going to be. Most reviews\ reviews in progress are echoing each other. I found the action got stale fast and the little bit of story that it had felt flat and not interesting enough to make me NEED to buy this to fallow it.

Peoples minds were made up because EA is a shat publisher and ruin everything they get their hands on.... and so far Anthem seems to be a victim. I gave the game more of a chance than I had planned by playing the open demo( some didn't even give it that chance) and what I played agreed with the reviews that are coming out. The game is just not good and most people are recognizing that.

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Edited By skippert

@spike1980: Im seeing this argument all over the place now. You early access whales all seem to think you are playing some kind of open BETA and using it as an excuse to defend this game (do you realise how fked up that point of view is). No you are not playing a BETA or a early build of the game - you paid to play the full game earlier. It was finished and released on the 15th and that it then happens to play like a BETA is Bioware's fault. So for the last time: PAID early access is not the same thing as taking part in a closed/open BETA, its just a marketing tool used to force consumers that do not want to miss out to spend more money on the product. EA and Bioware are now using this to their advantage as you have been so nice to bugtest for them for free. The day 1 patch should have arrived on the 15th to fix the disasters in the demo launch earlier. (which was promised by Bioware but they didnt make the deadline). Instead that has been conveniently moved to the 22nd which is suddenly according to early access players now launch day...

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