Insomniac Games made an excellent work with Resistance, a game successful in every aspect with a great online mode!!

User Rating: 8 | Resistance: Fall of Man PS3
Resistance: Fall of Man changes the course of history in which World War II never happened!! Instead, Europe has been taken over by monsters witch origin is unknown, named Chimerians.
You play as an American Sergeant, named Nathan Hale, sent over to England to help turn the tide of war. The storyline is good. It will induce you until the end (witch was quite poor actually...). The storyline is just something to back the game up and to avoid making it boring while you play trough the campaign.
The gameplay is very good, a little hard for starters but nothing that one can get used too. Some basic functions aren't available in the game tough, (like hiding behind cover and sprinting, yet, this last function is available in online mode) something that sometimes would come in handy, especially because there are lots of Chimerians to run and hide from... The SixAxis wireless motion is also compatible with the game in some small occasions but that make the game look even sharper. Those occasions are, for example, if you get caught by flames you need to shake the controller as fast as you can to put these out. Something small but interesting that gives you the feeling you are the one inside the game. Insomniac also made a great job with the game weapons. They are very unique weapons, and those common to most FPS (First Person Shooter) games, like the Shotgun and the Rocket Launcher. But other weapons are well designed and very creative. There is a weapon that is able to fire radiation shots trough walls and every time the radiation burst crosses a wall it becomes stronger!! Then there is also a weapon that fires electric beams, very useful in close quarters combat. Then there are the usual carbines and snipers too. All weapons have also a secondary fire. The Chimerians main weapon secondary fire is a marker that if attached to a body, all bullets that are fired will go right at the marker by themselves. Something very useful but sometimes useless because if the enemy hides behind cover in the meantime, all shots will drive directly at the protection. All weapons will be of use during the game, but it's up to the players to find what kind of weapons they like and use them wisely. Mastering all weapons will be something that will happen throughout the game.
Graphics look great!! Even tough the game can only offer HD 720p image resolution these are already superb graphics.
The sound is what you would expect from a FPS (First Person Shooter). There are some good sounds effects and voices (Nathan Hale doesn't speak much actually), but nothing out of the ordinary here.
The game A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) is above the average. Enemies know how to flank, take cover, flush you out (mostly using grenades) and retreat from battle. They will do everything possible to keep themselves alive and to take you and your team soldiers out of action, even if that means one Chimerian must make a suicide attack to gain ground to his comrades.
But where Resistance really has done a great work is in its replay value!! The game offer a 1 player campaign mode, a 2-4 players campaign mode and a 2-40 players online mode!!
The online mode seems to run smoothly even with a maximum of 40 players at the same time!! The game modes are the usual ones you find on a FPS (First Person Shooter) game: Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, Assault... Players can also create their own unique characters and they will eventually earn new items by wining some matches online. They can also create or join clans, earn medals and eventually raise in the ranking.
Resistance is betting a lot on the online mode and to prove that, there are the updates that Insomniac Games is making, that offer new kinds of game modes and that fix glitches (that are very rare).
Resistance is a game worth buying, either if you are a fan or not. It will keep you entertained for a long time, something that the Chimerians are very good at...

Name: Resistance: Fall of Man.
Developer: Insomniac Games.
First Release Date: Nov 11, 2006
First Release Region: Japan
Distribution: Retail