Resistance fall of man is a game with an incredible story and has taken a lot from other amazing shooters

User Rating: 9 | Resistance: Fall of Man PS3
I started the Resistance series a little later than most but was always intrigued by the story line with the world war 2 setting with "zombies" instead of soldiers. The story is very in depth, but it was the game play that i was surprisingly impressed with. I wasn't sure how the Ratchet and Clank style with the weapons would work for this game and if the ease that you can die in would make this game a turn off. I really enjoyed the weapon layout they had with you having all the guns you find on you at once because you really have a choice on how to kill every one of your enemies and it never really left you at a disadvantage in a fight which helped with the lack of health offered to you. The special abilities for every gun also made the game better especially when fighting some of the bigger chimera it was always good to have a machine gun with a grenade launcher attached onto it. The story didn't really have anything shocking to it you knew what was really going on the whole time. What made this game so interesting was that i found myself wanting to find out more about the chimera and how they came about and just the inside story about them more than anything. The game plays well and have no major flaws. Resistance especially now a days being only 20-30 dollars is without a doubt a must by for any new playstation 3 owner who wants to play a solid FPS. Resistance takes a lot of its ideas from games like halo and call of duty which makes it a solid game seeing how well those games have done. This is just a solid shooter to own and instantly a PS3 classic. The graphics are very good and the game play moves quick and is a joy to play.