Resistance: Fall of Man may seem like your typical shooter, but it ups the ante by adding great features.

User Rating: 9.5 | Resistance: Fall of Man PS3
There have been amazing launch titles for consoles in the past. To name a few: Halo, Super Mario 64, Twilight Princess, and Super Mario Bros. Sony hasn't really shared in the launch glory...until now. In my opinion, Resistance: Fall of Man has started a great Sony-exclusive franchise, something that Sony desperately needs. While I could talk about how Resistance: Fall of Man gives the Playstation a long-needed face, that wouldn't be nearly as good as talking about how it holds up as a game.

So, let's get down to the basics:

RFOM (as it is abbreviated) gives you control of Sgt. Nathan Hale, a certified bad@$$ from the US Army Rangers. The Eastern Hemisphere has fallen into chaos. An entity known as the Chimera has invaded (from within???) Europe and Asia, and you have to help stop them. The game takes place in Great Britain, one of the few countries in Europe still standing. The Chimera are launching their attack on England and you are sent with your task force to assist. With what? I won't spoil it for you, you need to find out for yourself.

The graphics aren't anything to rave about, but I'm not saying they're below average or even average. I would say that they are above average graphics with plenty of detail and great design. The weapons, levels, enemies, and vehicles are all designed greatly. There really is not anything to gripe about here; it's all good.

RFOM delivers what you would expect from modern shooters...and then some. What sets RFOM about is not only the ability to carry all your weapons at once, but the fact that each weapon has secondary fire, which adds uniqueness and usefulness to every single one. For example, the Bullseye gun, one of the early ones, has a secondary option that allows you to shoot a "bullseye tag" at your target and all your fire will be drawn to it, making short work of enemies. You need to experience the rest for yourself. Now, to talk about the AI. It is fabulous: the enemies aren't just mindless idiots waiting to be shredded apart by your metal. They are pretty intelligent. If put in a tight spot, hey respond by flanking, finding cover, or even coming to melee you. It's hard to describe, but you actually feel like you're fighting something that can fight back reasonably well. There are also quite a few different enemies for you to contend with, so things don't get boring. There are even a few cool vehicles for you to drive/commandeer.

All in all, RFOM has few problems, other than the fact that it is overlooked so much, perhaps because not many people bought the PS3 when it launched. I think it is the great start to a franchise that is still growing. RFOM gets a 9.5, the only reason being is that the development of the story and characters has a little to be desired, so it can't be considered perfect, but it's pretty close!