Resistance was an excellent pick for my first PS3 game. Its an exception for my overall lack of perference for its genre

User Rating: 8.5 | Resistance: Fall of Man PS3
Originally, I was more thrilled with being able to get one of the 60 gig PS3 models at lauch (without a reservation :)) than I was about playing Resistance. I will admit, that overall I'm not that big of FPS fan...I have nothing against them really but I just never have been able to get into them as much as other genres. Reistance: Fall of Man is an exceptional game. I won't go so far to say that its peaked my interest with the genre but has definately made me a fan of the series. It's graphical presentation really brought out the PS3's capabilities in a visual sense of things and the sound was very realistic. The gameplay itself was held my attention and anticipation more than the story. That's not to say that the story was terrible but the game had much stronger areas. When it comes to shooters of any kind, the action comes first for me and the story comes this wasn't a problem for me at all. Great variety of guns, always enough ammo to maintain the fun, no gay puzzles to slow down the action, decent amount of challenge, and easy controls. As fun as the campaign was on this game, it still didn't interest me enough to play online but I have played the multiplayer with a group of friends and it's equally as entertaining. There are plenty of game modes and enviroments to play in as well as many character skins to choose from.

My Breakdown:

What's Good:

- Excellently rendered environments
- Realistic sound
- Terrifyingly gruesome looking foes
- Action packed campaign from beginning to end
- Very fun offline multiplayer

What's Not-So-Good:

- The game did seem a bit short
- I've never been a fan of "silent protagonists"
- The narration seemed pointless and got a bit annoying
- The story isn't bad but lacks details about the enemy you are facing

What's Bad:

- Nothing that ruins the game

In all, from my point of view Resistance is a great game. I emphasis "My Point Of View" because I don't have limited FPS expereince under my belt. However, the fact that I like this game inspite of not being a fan of the genre should say a lot to anyone looking to jump into this game.