Resistance: Fall of Man doesn't really try a lot of new things, but it's well made. It's an excellent game.

User Rating: 10 | Resistance: Fall of Man PS3
Wow, this game is aggressive. And I really like that. There's plenty of action and best of all, it's easily one of the best FPS games I've played.

The story sets in the WW2 Era, but WW2 never happened-an invasion of aliens happened instead. Yeah, the story includes a lot of ideas that most FPS games are using nowdays: Humans vs Aliens. But this one doesn't set in modern time and it gives a lot of backstory. It's a good storyline with some twists. You play as Nathan Hale, who's this quiet sergeant whose been infected by the Chimera virus, but somehow he's not fully a Chimera. He's a human with the same abilities as them. Rachel Park, who's also a British soldier and the narrator of the game. Her role is to give you information before the next level starts while you see WW2 like pictures to show the vision to the player.

The Campaign is the heart of Resistance: Fall of Man. It's a good 10-12 hours campaign with plenty of army of aliens to kill. The game is unique for it's exotic weapons. You have a rifle that can "tag" a player which makes your shots homing. You also have a weapon that can shoot through walls and can create cover if you don't have any cover. Not only the eccentric weapons make Resistance: Fall of Man different than other shooters, but it's AI is very different compared to games like F.E.A.R. They are similar in Halo: Combat Evolved AI where they will try to throw you off by running and gunning in patterns, but they also learn your pattern. For example, if I circle strafe on the left side and a Chimera fires me one time, he's gonna miss, but the second time he's going to get me-which forces you to crouch, jump, or move in a different direction to dodge the alien's shots. Your enemies are accurate too. They're not stupid, they know what they're doing. They also take cover if there are any. The game heavily uses the run-and-gun element. It's best not to play like Call of Duty and play it more like Doom and Duke Nukem 3D. I love how it's influenced by the classic FPS gameplay. There's not a lot of games that are like this nowadays. You have a 4 life bar and if you don't lose any of the life bar, they actually regenerate-which in is influenced by the Halo shield system. You spend a lot of times fighting aliens with guns and sometimes get into other types of aliens. For example: a gargantuan alien with a fire cannon and a Pinky influenced alien. It's fun, it's intense, and the best part of it: it's replayable.

Although the online is not really as fun as the campaign. It's more fast-paced though. It plays pretty much like every shooter. However, most custom games are set to 1 shot kill-which isn't really the type of setting you want to play if you're seeking an aggressive game. The ladder has a decent amount of players still playing, but most of them spend their time on Deathmatch.

It's a well made game and it's only 30 bucks. This is a game that deserves to be in your PS3 collection or FPS. Resistance: Fall of Man is a beautiful game.